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rapist found guilty

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unruliejulie | 13:48 Tue 16th May 2006 | News
47 Answers
This lunchtime the annmouncement was made that the killer of Rochelle Holness has been jailed for life. Her mother shouted "Rot in Hell" I applaud her and her feelings for her daughters killer. When Anthony Walkers Mother said she forgave her sons killer, i found it very difficult to understand.I would NEVER forgive!! My question is, could you forgive anyone who murdered your son/daughter etc....


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I just said what happened to me waldo not what I might do in another situation. I tend to base my answers on my own experience rather than jumping on someone else's argument and being one to conform to the majority opinion. that means i am often left as the baddy but i have a strong pair of shoulders Waldo! I agree, but if you take this site3 as an outlet for our pent up emotions and feelings it kind of puts it in perspective, I don't often stray into news but it is dull everywhere else today and I am unwell so can't do much else but browse on here. I am avoiding any arguments today though Waldo cos my strong opinions always end up in me being wrong. :)
Waldo, isn't Umbridge where the Archers live? At the end of the Piccadilly line?
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you say what you think Dot! Thats why we're all on here ultimately!. I knew my question would be misconstrued as me thinking Anthony Walkers Mother didn't care about him! Couldn't be further from the truth.

*ahem* 'Umbrage' then! ;)

Sorry if I misinterpreted your post julie, no offence meant! Think we both agree that Mrs Walker is indeed a remarkable lady!
If you give me three stars for this post i will deliberately run over a wayward hedgehog. Twice.

Hello's me...woolly liberal Independent-reading sp1814.

My partner was followed followed from Finsbury Park Stn by a couple of ne'er do-wells a few months back. They never got their opportunity to mug him because every time they got close to him, someone came out of their house, or crossed the road.

Believe me...if anyone I loved was attacked, I would fully support the police in their efforts to capture them...and then I would do something slightly illegal.

It's good old common revenge. If someone attacks someone you love, it's our base instinct.

However, Anthony Walker's mother is a heroine. A complete and unqualified heroine. I actually wish I could absorb some of her character. She walks with dignity. The scum who killed her son will never know what it's like to have that kind of humanity and compassion.

Now...back to knitting spaghetti for me.

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Thanks libertie, i wouldn't want anyone think that i think along those lines.I just needed to make that clear. It is difficult to express exactly what you mean in type.No offence taken.I would like to be able to forgive if God forbid it happened to me,because hatred is all too comsuming and as i said in my first post, im sure she will live a happier life for her forgiveness!

which is the lady that is falling in love with the father of someone who killed her daughter? i think that is just as inspiring a story as Mrs Walkers. Or is it the same one? Anyway, I think alot of where these strong ladies are coming from is based on their faith and that is comforting.

I always understand a thread on here and the beauty of this site is the diverse answers we produce, as usual it is misreading and misinterpretation that causes our disagreements.

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should i not acknowledge peoples replies then WM? I think that would be very ignorant of me!
However I meant to say if I got one star I would find a cute puppy and drown it. Thanks to you I will have to keep to my word. X
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Don't slip in the water yourself will you WM! AB would miss you wit!!!!!!!!!!! NOT!
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sp1814, your last paragraph is so true and beautifully put!
WM you're a big old softie, well i know you're not old but u know what i mean. Did you enjoy the film by the way?
I could never forgive.I would put my Army training to good use and hunt the scum down before the police caught him/her and meet out my own justice and belive me it wouldnt be pretty. I would gladly go to jail (if a jury would convict me).
LOL @ unruliejulie I agree, that would be tragic, NOT!!!!
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You must have forgot i could take your stars away just as easily WM, now you look like your talking nonsense!!!!

johnlambert, thats exactly what i'd want to do, athioough i admire forgiveness, I just don't get it and certainly couldn't give it.

it was OK thanks dotty. A bit cheesey but enjoyable.

Oh dear Julie Pooly. How I will ever hold court again.

I very rarely ever get moved by news stories (possibly down to the sheer number of depressing, negative things I read every day). But Anthony Walker's mum's dignity really shocked me.

Weird when I think about it now...but 'shock' is the only word I can think of.

In answer to the original post...I have to say, I don't think I could ever forgive. I have a horrible feeling that I would just get consumed with rage, impotence and anger.

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