Well lets see:
a) He started a war in Iraq with the justification that an Al Qaeda member was seen there once.
b) He's two faced - (OK a lot of politicians are)
- mouthing off about free trade whilst errecting trade barriers. He even imposed an illeagal steel embago.
c) He's an environmental disaster area - we won't even start on climate change, there's cuts to the EPA budget, relaxation of mining regulations on public lands even if the mine would cause irreperable harm. etc. etc.
d) This is the US federal defecit:
e) Whilst he seems to love the "ordinary Joe" image he had a very privileged education, and there has been no increase in minimum wage since his presidency began.
This man is not a heavyweight, you could dislike his father whilst still respecting him.
The question you should ask yourself is "Would George W have made it to the Whitehouse without his father"?
I think the Republican party could have and should have found a much much better candidate
He's a lightweight