What would happen in this GBH case?
I know this is a very bizarre request but I am a playwright trying to research criminal law for a new play of mine and was wondering if you could answer some (probably very simple) nquestions about how the following scenario would be dealt with:
In the play, a charcter (X) gets very drunk at a football match and notices a man (Y) trying to come on to his daughter. Agressive by nature, X attacks Y, kicking and punching him, resulting in internal bleeding which puts Y into hospital.
What would be the legal procedure following this given that Y reports the incedent to the police. Would X be arrested? questioned? taken straight to prison? Y also claims that he was racially abused by X during the attack, X denys this.
What could X say/plead in court to make this easier for him?
In the play, X hires a lawyer to deffend him in court. Gieven that he had the money, could X choose to hire a lwyer of particular ethnicity? What could the lawyer say in the deffence of X?
Would X be being charged with GBH? If the raial abuse allegations are true, is it a hate rime?
How long if at all would X be in jail for? would i be longer if he racially abused Y?
I'm sure these are all rather straight forward questions, sorry if you found them tedious, it's just that i would hate for the play to have misguiding information in it.
Please let me know,