Did anyone else see the news tonight? My God, Blair looked ill!! Gaunt, pale and more grey hairs, I think TB's stance on Iraq is costing him his health.
Ned, surely the UK's (meaning Blair's) anti-Iraq stance and constant threats of war are, to the minds of Islamic extremist terrorists such as Al-Qaeda - already fed up at their perceived persecution by the west, just fuelling their wont to commit horrible terrorist atrocities such as 9/11 and therefore is Blair really making your daughters safer?
He looks like a man struggling with his conscience doesn't he? Ned, if you believe that Iraq has small pox etc. (and I think you may be right) is it safe to be dropping bombs around and possibly liberating the disease? It won't stop at the border of Iraq but will quickly spread round the world through human contact. How safe will your children be then? Of course terrorists may decide not to wait for the bombs but bring it here to be released. Surely it would be better to plod along with the weapons inspectors and surveillance.