"Where do people get these ideas?? "
It's like a form of chinese whispers. Like the Muslim Fun Day at Alton Towers...People like to forget that Alton Towers is a BUSINESS and NOT PUBLIC PROPERTY and therefore can be hired out to WHOEVER wants it. So when the story is passed around by Sun readers in pubs, the actual FACTS of the event are forgotten by whoever read the story - and they tell two friends etc....so by the time someone else down the line has heard it, it stops becoming a privately booked function that tickets can be bought for if you really want to go on that *particular* day and is turned into some kind of anti-British, anti-(*ahem*) christian day out for Islamic militants by reactionary, xenophobic bigots - who never even planned on going to Alton Towers on that day anyway!
People moaning about the Muslim Fun Day - Where they really planning on going to Alton Towers on September 17th? I think it is a sensible date to do it! It's the start of the school term and passed the summer peak season.
Alton Towers has also been hired out for gay and lesbian events and days for people with disabilities - I didn't hear too many people moaning then - mainly because it didn't reach the pages of certain newspapers and therefore is not a newsworthy event.
And the same thing happens about stories about Mosques. Maybe if all these people who moan about Mosques being built started taking themselves, their partners, friends, children, work colleagues, accountants, bank managers, refuse collectors and doctors to Church and church attendance figures went through the roof then maybe they would have some sort of point! And the great thing is - most Christians I know ( And I mean REAL Christians, not the pseudo-christians who only become religous when they are moaning about Mosques being built) actually don't really mind too much!