Do you think that Blair would be better employed, going to Brussels to twist the arm of NATO into send out more troops, airpower and equipment to Afghanistan, instead of strutting the world political stage in Israel?
Let him be.....the warmonger is do i put it......let a palestinian describe it for me.....
'He is washing lebanese blood off his hands using palestinian water'
Now for an apt description of a miserable excuse of a leaders' dying actions as the sun sets on his pathetic political career , the poor trodden palestinians have come up trumps.
Normally don't put my 2p in about politics , but I have been thinking these last few weeks that it's not a new leader that's needed, but a 'shift' in foreign policy. What difference will Gordon Brown make ? (genuine question)
Found out this morning one of the reasons he is out there, he's dishing out our hard earned cash to Lebenham, to help to put back what Isreal has wiped out.