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Memorial flowers

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Golem | 20:12 Fri 15th Sep 2006 | News
6 Answers
Why don't people take the paper or cellophane wrapping off the flowers they leave as memorials at sites of tragedies; eg Dawson College, Montreal; WTC New York?


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I have no idea, but it isn't very enviromentally friendly. I always wonder why they put cut flowers there too.

near where I live their was a hideous rta a few years ago in which 5 teenagers were killed and several others injured. Anyways, someone of one of the victims planted a tiny garden on the road side and the plants flower during the month that it happened in. there are also some evergreens plants and perennials.

I'm not sure if she had to apply for permission, or if it were illegal or whatever, but it is only a country lane so it's not as if it is the crime of the century of anything and a lot more eco friendly than cut flowers in cellophane left at the road side.
because often that is all thats holding the bunch together.

does it matter?
well at least it saves me the trouble of having to wrap them before taking them home to the wife...x
ooooh ladyoyg!
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No, it doesn't 'matter' in the way some things matter. But if someone has the thoughtfulness to lay flowers in sympathy, the thought that goes into that is enhanced by taking off the paper so that, aesthetically, people get to look at a sea of flowers not a wave of paper blowing in the wind.

Just seems such a 'normal' thing to do, take the wrapping off, when you put the flowers out, that I wondered why people don't do it.
Yes, Golem I have been wondering the same for years. The one in particular was when Prince Charles`s ex-wife died and a vast site was full of scruffy paper. NOT a pretty sight by a long way. Her brother then took over and removed all the wrappings and then it was a sight to behold.

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Memorial flowers

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