I'm all for new legislation to protect us from new dangers, however, how do you legislate against dangerous dogs. As I understand it, once a dog has done something dangerous and attacked someone, it is normally put down as is the case with the two rotties. However, the destruction of the dog (which I am not disputing was absolutely necessary) is not going to stop what had already happened. So how do you bring in laws to stop future crimes? it sounds a bit 'minority report' to me.
I have a German Shepherd dog and she was a rescue dog, we got her when she was 2. She is a bit nervous and does bark at the door. However, I keep her away from strangers, I keep her under constant close supervision when we are in public, (though that is rarely a problem because it is only over the house that she is protective) I keep a chain on the door so she can't accidentally get out, the garden is completely enclosed. I would never forgive myself if she did something terrible that I take many precautions including ongoing training. I also never leave her alone with my young children. She tends to follow me around, so there is rarely a case for her to be alone with them, and I take them upstairs with me should I have to go up there. She also has a place where she can retreat too if they get too noisy. COmmon sense must prevail at the end of the day, not legislation.
by comparison, shall we also legislate against dangerous cars, as we see people attacked by them all the time and they claim far more deaths. How will we do this as the car is not dangerous until after the death. The same is true for a dog. Dogs are at the end of the day, dumb animals, and should never be trusted 100%. An element of mistrust should always be maintained for our safety.