Out of Afghanistan & out of Europe. in The AnswerBank: News
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Out of Afghanistan & out of Europe.

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anotheoldgit | 17:47 Sun 08th Oct 2006 | News
9 Answers
Why are the British troops along with Canadians and Americans slogging it out in the most dangerous regions of Afghanistan, on behalf of NATO?

And why is it that the French along with the Germans and Italians have got the reasonable cushy number of guarding Afghanistan's International Airport?

Will the Pro-Europeans take this on board and realise that Europe isn't interested in fair play? They just bend the rules to suit themselves, whilst expecting us to obey the rules to the letter of the law.

Should we now not only consider getting out of Afghanistan but Europe as well?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I've served with Italian troops in Bosnia anotheold and belive me, we are better off with them guarding the airport
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without an accordion." These are the immortal words of Jed Babbin, once a Deputy Under-Secretary of Defense in the USA.
LOL @ Quizmonster, very apt my friend
ha ha qm, i LOVE that quote, was going to post it myself until i saw you did!
I seem to recall that it is actually the Americans that are most often criticized for friendly fire incidents.

Such as 2002 when 2 US aircraft fired on a Canadian platoon

2003 when 3 UK soldiers were wounded by a A-10 Thunderbolt aircraft.

Or last year when an Italian special forces team was fired on whilst freeing a journalist in Baghdad - killing one.

That makes the quote about the accordian rather ironic coming from the Americans don't you think?

As for pulling out of Afghanistan now, what do you think would happen if we did? How long before it's a rats nest of training camps again?
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Perhaps our troops would be better employed, sorting out the rats nests of training camps here in this country, seeing that most of our terrorists are born and bred here.
Great idea!

Shall we kick down the door of any moslem in the UK or just the ones that look "foreign"?

It worked So well with Ireland didn't it?

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Didn't know we kicked any moslem doors down in Ireland. J-T-P. But then you being a man of the world, I bow to your to your superior knowledge, old man.
How many recent wars have the French, Germans and Italians won? Only joking - well sort of.

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