Your argument seems a bit confused PJGirl.
I can't tell if you don't believe the Earth is warming or whether you do and don't think it's caused by humans - then you say you don't know much about it anyway!
Firstly yes the Earth does have natural cycles and this rather kicked off the hole global cooling thing 30 years ago when people thought 100,000 years oh we're due another Ice Age - Thinking back to that time I don't remember any researchers saying that it was an imminant threat - I do remember a lot of journalists running stories on it that were a bit sensational.
You'll notice a lot of your quotes are from Newspapers.
Then people started decent measurements and discovered that actually the Earth was warming not cooling.
This is pretty certain now - infact we even have direct satelite measurements
for more visual evidence.
It's pretty hard to argue that the Earth is not warming.
As for the human contribution even the US Senate's comission on climate change has said "the trends seen over the last 50 years cannot be explained by natural processes alone".
Yes there's fear out there but that fear is based on real change
So what is the best cure for fear? Facing facts and trying to do something about it or burying your head in the sand and saying "It wasn't me I didn't do it it was like that when I got here"
I think that's called the "Bart Simpson defense" isn't it?