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the monarchy

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mindbullets | 20:41 Thu 14th Aug 2003 | News
20 Answers
As a keen believer in the abolishment of the monarchy in this country ,what is the best way to show my disapproval of this outdated bunch of parasites?thanks
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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go to buckingham palace and protest.
the best way? well its got to be beheading.
Send them a letter in big writing with 'GERMANS GO HOME!' (or as an option, make it out of newspaper headlines like a ransom note.) Even better, kidnap the Queen, and ransom her for the promise of a republic.(This is getting silly isn't it!). Seriously, I'm with you mindbullets.
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aargh evil extraterrestrial reptiles. careful, they might eat us.
But aren't they good for tourism?
Spit on the floor, stamp your foot and then emigrate. They will not go until the entire system of government is replaced with true democracy, in which everyone is involved with every decision. There is a way to do it within the current framework, by using the present rules, but if it were tried then there would be much screaming and shouting from the present incumbent ne'er do wells.
Go and live in North Korea, and leave the UK for us monarchists to enjoy the monarchy as usual.
"Go and live in North Korea, and leave the UK for us monarchists to enjoy the monarchy as usual."

Would it be equally unreasonably to suggest you s*d off to Daily Mail Island, where you can vote in the Torys once more, indulge your knee-jerk fantasies about expatraiting anyone 'who's not like us' and praise your entirely mythical England to kingdom come?

[Please avoid getting personal and/ or rude. - AB Editor]

No, it would be far more unreasonable (whereas I was being entirely reasonable). No, I don't read or like the Daily Mail; No I don't want to vote the Tories in again (I have only ever voted Conservative once in my life, and that was when I was 18 and I have regretted it evers since) (I have voted Labour more often than all other parties put together) and no, I have no knee-jerk fantasies about expatriating anyone - I was merely suggesting to the questionner that he/she should CHOOSE to go and live in a republic (North Korea being one example of a republic) since that is obviously where he/she would prefer to live. I have never subscribed to the opinion that anyone should be expelled or expatriated against their wishes. In reading my message you have clearly put two and two together to make five hundred and thirty-seven.
P.S. The questionner was being inaccurate in referring to the royals as "parasites" when in fact they contribute more money to the Exchequer than we do to them.
"I was merely suggesting to the questionner that he/she should CHOOSE to go and live in a republic (North Korea being one example of a republic) since that is obviously where he/she would prefer to live."

This is not obvious *at all*. In fact, mindbullets implicitly indicates that this country is where they wish to live, merely without a monarchy. Your intellectual position is identical to that of people who say that someone who dares to have left wing views should 'go and live in Russia with the rest of the communists'! i.e. Anyone who dissents from the status quo is lacking in patriotism and must, de facto, be forced to emigrate to a country which shares whatever the nature of the dissent is, regardless of the fact that all other variable may not be the same. It is an unsustainable position.

Believe it or not, I wasn't trying to be rude - or rather, I was, but I was replacing the variables and exagerating to show how rude your own post was.
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That bunch of parasites will be your future King and there ain't a darn thing you can do about it.........so just chill, take a deep breath, count to 10 if you want and say what will be will be (kay sara, sara)..............
Can I suggest you all go and have a good long read on http://www.angelfire.com/realm3/accord . It may well give you an idea how things can be arranged so that all the population of the U.K. can decide, not just about the monarchy, but the total running of G.B.Ltd with no political influence (because there would be no politcs!)
If anyone from this country doesn't want to live in a monarchist society, at least they have the freedom of choice to leave. Many other nationals, living in republics, don't have that freedom. So rejoice in your good fortune!
Waldo McFroog's response to my rational, calm, moderate and reasonable comments were so outrageous and rude and distorting, that I do not wish to lower myself to the same gutter level by fdignifying it with a further response. God Save the Queen!
Bernardo Can I politely point out that there are much more constructive examples of republics other than North Korea, which presumably you chose as an example due to its negative image. Consider France - the people are listened to by the government much more than here, the education system, health system, public transport systems etc are far superior than those in GB...The downside, I guess, is the fact that taxation is higher...still, good public services need paying for...perhaps if we redirected the taxes we pay to support the monarchy into other areas, GB might be in a better state...
Haven't worked out how they contribute more to the exchequer than we to them as sometimes claimed.It can't be through tourist revenue; tourists still visit France and Italy even though nobody lives in the palaces.If and when they pay taxes all we do is use some of the tax money to support them tax free in return by other means, so we are giving it back.
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