I can accept that in previous generations , leaving your husband to seek refuge elsewhere was not the done thing and many women stayed with violent partners through fear , both of what their partner would do to them if they left and also fear of how they would support their family if they made that move. However , with the availability of women's refuges and more support to victims of domestic violence , there is no excuse for staying with a violent partner. She could have left at any time and her first thoughts should have been getting her child to safety - not pouring drink down her throat with her friends. It sickens me to the pit of my stomach but what really irritates me is the nauseating hand-wringing which occurs after atrocities like this. The buck passing as various authorities , social work dept , police , family members , neighbours etc all blame each other and bandy about accusatory remarks. This is quickly followed by promises of 'lessons learned' as this will 'never be allowed to happen again.' Sadly it all to often does and seems to shock more each time. It's just a sad indictment of the society in which we live today. The thing with rehabillitation is , for it to work effectively , the individual/individuals have to want to be rehabillitated. I doubt very much if this would be applicable here. It breaks your heart.