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Saddam video?

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Xenon101 | 23:12 Sat 30th Dec 2006 | News
22 Answers
Is there a full video of Saddams hanging, including the drop? Most vids/pics I've seen end before...


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Yes but it from different angle and a mobile phone. u_215352
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Good work Ms J.Mistress..
Am against Capital punishment. but was interested in the whole thing. Guess we'll see how the Arab world reacts now!! At least it was Iraqis and not Americans dishing it out..
very barbaric,he should have faced a firing squad,much nicer
Shocking video. reports of the abuse and insults hurled by the guards was correct. Thankfully it appears that the death was instantaneous. Sad day when a human takes another humans life like that.
matt66, wasnt he hung for doing just that???? so whats your point?
i guess people forget the many people he killed without an ounce of guilt. There's an old saying, what goes around, comes around.
Saddams policies resulted in the death of thousands who opposed him, mainly the shias in Iraq. he did not actually kill anyone. His guards did that for him.

Now whose policy of invading Iraq resulted in the killing of 600,000 people??
when he joined the Baath party he a shooter at the attempted assassination of the then Iraqi president. When the attent failed saddan fled to Egypt
when one of his ministers disagreed with one of his laws Saddam said to him, "lets disguss this in private",took him into an ante room and personally shot him.
He was an barbaric evil killer who took pleasure in killing, I only hope he's suffering in the pits of hell as we speak
matt... I suppose you could use that argument that Hitler didn't 'personally' kill any jews either.
An evil despot ~ along with Hitler, Idi Amin, Pol Pot etc has ordered the killing of thousands..including his grandchildrens fathers.

I didn't know the examples you posted, John but it doesn't surprise me at all. I would imagine anyone capable of ordering such killing without any conscience would have had some experience of taking lives themselves.

actually, the videos suggest he died quite courageously, which will only encourage his supporters. The people in the cell are shouting 'go to hell' and chanting the name of his enemy al-Sadr and Saddam just tells them 'You think you're being brave?', which is pretty self-possessed for a man who has only seconds to live.
They said he wore a coat to protect him from the chilly air. Eh, why would it matter? Why was he buried? his grave will be a shrine to his supportors. He should have been cremated and his ashes thrown over a sewer.
Charles I wore an extra shirt to his execution - a chilly January morning and he din't want onlookers to think he was shivering from fear. Same here perhaps.
I don't know if Your Tube showed the full hanging I switched of when he stepped on to the gallow. I couldn't bare to go further
jhn. for me Saddam looked frightened. He tryed to hide it but it was showing
there were at least 2 videos, hopalong, an official one that stopped with the noose and someone filming from below the scaffold, probably on a mobile judging by the poor quality (so you might be right about him being scared, but as far as I could tell his voice sounded calm), but this went on to show him dropping. I won't bother posting a link but it's on another one of these Qs round here.
... oh sorry, it's on this one, Jedimistress's post. Much of it - but not the drop - is on the BBC website too and you can hear his voice, with John Simpson explaining what he's saying..
are blair and bush war criminals as well? illegal war, trying to occupy another country, killing thousands......... can someone tell me the difference please? Ive been a Labourite all my life and cheered loud and hard when we got in in 1997, but never again will i support this government, mind you i wont be putting my x next to torys or lib dems either, wot else is there!!
Like you saintpeter, I have always been Labour ,but under Blair we have in effect a Tory. Like the Thatcher Government her ministers didn't have the guts to stand up to her Blairs ministers don't have the guts to stand up to him. NO WAY will I support this party or any other.
its showing the full clip, i know he was an absolute b@st@rd but i didnt want to watch it.

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