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What can be done about Gun Crime?

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anotheoldgit | 10:45 Sun 18th Feb 2007 | News
42 Answers
Our cities are now becoming like Chicago of the 1930s and we are now seeing armed police patrolling our streets for the first time. What can be done to rid our streets of the Gangster like attitude of some of our young Blacks?
There is also the threat of more vilolence with the influx of Eastern Europeon organised crime.
Are we now seeing the results of this countries failed immigration policies? and will Enoch Powells warnings of Rivers of Blood come even more close to becoming a reality?


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We are indeed seeing the results of this spineless governments policies, what we need is longer prison sentences, more police on the streets and more prisons built. Any immigrant caught commiting even the most minor crime should be locked up and deported straight away with no appeal.What Enoch said years ago is now indeed being proved correct.
And anybody found guilty of a murder where there is absolutely no doubt about their guilt,should be given an injection of which they never wake up.
How about legalizing hard drugs.

Most of this gun crime is the result of drug dealing and drug gangs.

Take away the profit motive of the drugs and you remove the high money that can be made.

This will also remove a load of petty crime that is caused by people stealing things to pay for drugs.
As well as my append above, I also have to agree with little willy above, this is also a result of years of lazy governments allowing uncontrolled immigration.

Most of this gun crime is in the black community, and if we had looked at the USA twenty years ago we would have concluded that for whatever reason there are certain members of the black comminuty who cannot live and work successfully in a mainly white community.

I am not saying it is all black people, but it is enough of a problem for us to have tried to avoid it.

We didn't, and now this country is ruined forever.

I HATE living in England now, when I used to love living here.
Given that posting thousands of entirely reasonable and balanced whines about how "the entire country has gone to the dogs and you all hate living here since Johnny Foriegner, Johnny Homosexual, Johnny Political-Correctness, Johnny Suffragette (and any other Johnnies that may apply) over ran it and removed all your rights" appears to have had astonishingly little effect in improving this sadly ruined nation, why not emigrate to somewhere that isn't quite so odious to you? By staying somewhere you deplore so much, you just reveal yourselves as masochists.

It would make life happier for you lot and maybe you could even start appreciating the precious gift of life once more, and plus it would improve the country for the rest of us into the bargain.
Waldo - How would you right the wrongs?

When the "sus" laws were effective, they were brought into disrepute because the ploice stopped too many black people, for "stop & search."
The fact that in the areas concerned, the criminals had been described by the victims as, "black," was not good enough for the, "community leaders."
So, now there are calls from some members of the black community in the areas where these shootings took place, for the police, "to do more."
Now I am perplexed.
What should the police do to stop people carrying concealed weapons, without upsetting those people who just happen to bear a physical resemblence to the reported suspects?
So long as these scum carry on killing themselves in their drug wars then I'm not too bothered, in fact the more of their ilk they take out the better as far as I am concerned.

Apart from that, I don't think longer prison sentences or lowering the age of conviction for carrying a gun will make the slightest difference. It is the likelihood of arrest that would have the most effect. So, bring back ' Stop and Search' of the most likely culprits ie black males, for a start.

Yes, Enoch's prophesy IS coming true, and will have more significance in the years to come. There is bound to be a backlash unless the communities from which these criminals and terrorists come co-operate with the forces of law and order and inform on the minority in their midst who are ruining this country for everybody.
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'He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword' Despite a few tragic occurances of innocent people dying as a result of the gun/gangster culture emerging in our inner cities, the shootings are contained between rival gangs.

You can't blame the government, their parents or society as a whole. This gun culture is a direct result of the influences of the gangster rap nonsense that is pumped into our tv sets and record stores 24/7

25 years ago black american youth culture had a positive effect on our inner cities via the medium of hip hop. Youths expressed themselves via breakdance and graffiti. They were more concerned with who was the best breakdancer or artist. IMO the graffiti brightened up the drab, sooty walls of railway embankments and uninspiring concrete walls of tower blocks, it gave a sense of life and culture. The bright, colourful and artisitic 'pieces' were hardly akin to some sexual profanities or 'Leeds rule ok' that were the backdrop to the 70s.

Nowadays its 'who's got the most power, most guns, most money' This is the message that hip hop is delivering to the kids on the street, they gain their influences from the people they think they can relate to; Rappers and gangsters. Ever since Public Enemy and NWA, its taken a nasty turn for the worse.

I dont beleive that there is pressure for black kids to live this lifestyle. They have access to a free education and a chance to better themselves, they decide whether to build or destroy. They are not a minority in their schools and communites, they are not disenfranchised or picked on, they want in to a life of guns and crimes because it appears to be 'cool'. They give up before they've even started.

Booldawg - Do you know I believe you are right? I've lived it and what I've seen, heard and felt is described perfectly by you.
Hmmm, what needs to be done is the police need to enforce the laws. Its about time the power was given back to the authority's. All this crap about not being able to stop and search someone or not stopping them because of their ethnic origin.
People know that they wont get searched so they carry guns. If the police started random searches again, all this gun crime would be virtually non existent...
It's a tightrope though isn't it?

If black people are being stopped and searched all the time purely because of the colour of their skin, they're going to feel victimised by the police. That's no criticism of black people. You'd feel the same if it was happening to you, and your family and friends every week.

So suddenly you've got an 'us against them' situation in which black communities are wary about co-operating with the police.

And yet the only possible way of controlling the explosion of gun crime and gang warfare among black communities is by these communities working together with the police. It's not by a random copper luckily chancing upon a teenager carrying a gun. That's why aggressive 'stop and search' tactics are flawed.

A copper who happens upon a young man with a gun will probably not be 'lucky'.

Hmmm, i understand what your saying NJOK, but the searches wouldnt be that random. Just in high profile areas. If there has been a state of crime, then more resources should be drafted in, maybe taken from elsewhere, to prevent it from becoming an even bigger crime area. Personally, i wouldnt mind being stopped and searched as i would have nothing to hide.
I understand the problems when police stop and search people though, as a lot of the people they search seem to have attitude problems, and think they are above the law. It will take approximately 10 years to reduce gun crime, and even then you wont get rid of it.
Like anything in life, its about education and knowing what is right and wrong and knowing what will happen to you if you do wrong.
Too many do-gooders try to protect these wannabe gangsters by saying its how they have been brought up and its the areas and how society is to blame and how its always someone elses fault.. Its up to the parents to educate their own kids and if they know their kid is involved in gun crime, try to deter them best they can...
Another interesting thread by anotheoldgit who seems determined to find every conceivible angle to attack those who are not white. His previous thread about the discrace of a Sikh man wearing a turban to his friends Church funeral bombed so now it's the blacks turn.

I think the premise of this questions is just too ridiculous to even bother debating and I cannot beleive how xenophobic and misinformed some of the answers have been.

For example;any immigrant caught commiting even the most minor crime should be locked up and deported straight away with no appeal or this country is ruined I hate living here.

Come on people lets try to raise the level of the debate.

What windes me up is, these people have guns and the balls to use them, yet they just go and kill some other numb nut sod, why can't they shoot people that need shooting, ie;Blair, two jags, Gordon Brown or some hate filled muslim cleric. It seems such a waste of lives when more desearving people need terminating.
A generally high level of debate, folks.

I also think that Booldawg has raised a very interesting point about the malignant effect of rap music on , mainly, young blacks. This, I think is Negative Indoctrination and shows just how effective it can be on young minds. So what about some Positive Indoctrination ?

The word Indoctrination summons up memories of Chairman Mao or The Manhurian Candidate but I am of the firm belief that Benign Indoctrination for the common good would be a good thing. Trouble is, who will decide what form this would take and what is The Common Good ? Certainly there aren''t many current politicians I would put up for Minister for Indoctrination !

But how do you feel about this suggestion ?

Drastic situations demand drastic solutions.
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Fingerprint, my thread is not another attack on none whites as you so wrongly stated, I do not think Eastern Europeons are none whites are they?

As regards the Ganster like attitude of some of our young Blacks, this happens to be a true statement I am afraid. Perhaps the Goverment should consider creating a Dirty Dozen type brigade, and send them over to Iraq & Afghanistan to do their shootings if they like guns so much.

The reason I posted my question was because this topic is in the news, and this is the News Topic section is it not?
No Fingerprint you are just another one who likes to continually play the race card, to try and stiffle honest and true debate, when the facts don't fit in with their agenda. But I am afraid Fingerprint in this instance you have failed miserably.
I'm with anotheoldgit. So what if he/she decides to champion the problems that living in a multi-racial society presents the UK today? - it doesnt' make his/her arguments any less valid. What positive indoctrination do the Black communites of the UK look towards? Martin Luther King? Malcolm X? I don't think so. How can any black person living in the UK even possibly begin to relate to the suffering, struggle and racism experienced by the blacks in the deep south US right up to the end of the 60s? You've had it cushy over here in relation to them. You talk about racism like its a word you've read on the back of a cereal packet. Gangster rap is so out of place in the UK, its a fish out of water, it holds no place in UK society. Its like me trying to stand shoulder to shoulder with a Russian dissident during the Revolution because we share the same colour skin and trying to take on his emotions and experiences and pass them off as my own.
Sorry anotheoldgit, you corrected my mistake, your prejudice views are against all immigrants and not just non-whites, and 99% of your posts on this site back this argument up.

It's amusing how you continually post these comments and then when someone calls you for what you are you complain about the race card.

Booldawg - I have no problem with debating these issues, but lets at least try and have a reasonable debate that is not filled with prejudice. In response to your question his/her argument becomes less valid when they are not part of balanced/reasoned argument but just part of a continual campaign to discredit anyone who is different.

Why you feel that I use racism like it's a word on the back of a cereal packet? If I see someone continually making what I feel are racist comments it's my perogative to say so.

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