Theres nothing wrong with having feelings you don't understand or queries about your present relationships - we all have them! However there seems to be more than one issue - particularly because your ex is still playing on your mind. I split up with someone i was with for 3 years about a month or so ago and despite it being hard to do at the time (it took me months to decide what my course of action was going to be) and still caring about him, i know i did the right thing and don't miss 'us' - because the relationship wasn't working anymore. If you can't get your ex out of your head then it appears you haven't moved on - theres nothing wrong with that, but you do need to allow yourself time to get over what you had with one person before you can move on. And then there is the issue of you wondring about your sexuality.. you can wonder about it all your life, but don't feel pressure to decide whether you want to be straight ot gay - people stay happily bisexual all their lives. If you're happy - s*d everyone else and their insecurties - you need to do what you feel is right for you. Maybe it is worth taking a step back, explain to your current partner you need time to evaluate whether or not you're ready for another relationship and time ti analyse how you feel. When you are more aware of your feelings and happier with yourself you'll be able to have a more relaxed relationship - whatever sex/ whoever you go with. Good luck and take care of yourself.x