It appears, Panic Button, that you are rather fortunate in that you have weekly collections of kitchen waste. The point of the bi-weekly collections (where I live at least) is that the kitchen waste, scraps etc are collected every 2 weeks. We are required to put all our non-recyclable waste in the green wheelie bin for collection every 2 weeks � and with the limitations on recyclable elements being placed (some mentioned above) it is struggle to get 2 weeks worth of non-recyclable household waste into a wheelie bin.
I am not whingeing about the principle, nor really the practicalities � I have the means to trot off to the local tip occasionally to sling my junk into a pit. But what I do feel strongly about is that it isn�t really about saving landfill space and creating a greener environment (do you know how much un-renewable energy these recycling plants use?) It really is all a con. I am getting really fed up with the way we are all being bombarded with these �green issues�. It is an issue yes, but more importantly it is a topical, political mechanism for attempting to justify increases in tax levies on household costs, transport and holidays abroad and winning electoral points.