number of partners... in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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number of partners...

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joko | 15:52 Sun 15th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
59 Answers
why do so many guys have an irrational issue with how many guys a girl has slept with?

i watched a film last night and i guy had a huge issue about his 30-odd year old girlfriend having had 13 guys!
I mean, if you break this down to average years of sexual activity it amounts to under 1 a year!!
why is there a blind connection to the number rather than in relation to age?

why does this even matter?
why do guys think they have a right to be bothered by this?

even if the girl has only been with 2 guys in 15 years, you can bet she has had loads and load of sex, in many positions, places, etc etc ... after all, people experiment more with a long term partner, and they are more likely to be a bit kinky or use toys, porn, other couples etc etc when with a long term partner - so why would a bloke would care more about amount of guys than amount of sex...?

she is also more likely to have been emotionally involved with the guys she was with for long term, so surely that should be of more concern to a guy, than a temporary physical activity?

any guys enlighten me ?
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The more insecure they are the more they're likely to be bothered, and given that the majority of them carry their brains around in their scrotum, the fear is that we have much to compare his performance against.
My last partner never asked me how many people I had slept with and I think that's because he is happy in his own skin and confident with who he is....

A few other ex's did though....and I took this to be some sort of insecurity....so I lied !!

this made for an entertaining sequence in Four Weddings and a Funeral, so other films may just want to try the same scenario, presumably with a few tweaks. It's not necessarily whether the situation itself is hilarious or problematic, it's more likely the way it's done - I have fond memories of Hugh Grant's face gradually falling...
If i wanted a bike i would of bought a Raleigh,i dont want a lady who has been with everyone around town.
You walk in her local and half the pub as had her.
Question Author
but its ok for you to have slept around roy??

do you not think its none of your business?
Question Author
oh and didn't you read what i said? law of averages, over time the amount is going to rise, but its all relative surely?

if we are talking an 18 year old with 40 partners, then yes i see that may seem a bit much, but a 30 year old with 13?
That's just bloody typical.....Try using differnet pubs then Roy262 and you might be able to find a woman who hasn't slept with half your local.....
Would you go with a man who you know sleeps around ?
I doubt it, you would be thinking is he using me.
-- answer removed --
Were getting other mens views now thanks grumpii [Grumpii's post has been remove]
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not the same thing at all roy and you know it - you are acting like a woman who happens to like sex and has more than a few partners is somehow inferior and scum, yet the bloke is applauded.

do you realise how old fashioned, insecure, and simple minded that sounds?
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roy and grumpii, i am well aware of some blokes attitude, i dont want confirmation I want to know why... and actual logical reason, not some puerile "ooh its icky," crap.
I dont have a huge issue but why has she had a lot of partners ?
You can be sex mad with long term partners if she has had loads there wont be a future.
Plus like i said i wouldnt want to take the kids to school knowing half the fathers had been there.
What's your idea of too many then?

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why shoudln't she have as many as she wants?

so its about property for you - she is yours and your ego couldn't take it if your girlfriend has been with a guy you may have to see in the street?

do you think that is more your issue, than hers?
Question Author
just curious but how old are you ray and grumpii?

is this an old fashioned issue?
Me a 30 year old female around the 10 mark

ummmm do you have a daughter ?
I dont think it matters, how many partners she has had, I think it is more about the way she is, you dont want some skanky crack *****.

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