The object of the advert was to bring home to people how dangerous smoking is to your health , BUT equally importantly that there is help out there to assist in giving up .
If it shocked people into going out there and seeking that help or indeed stop people ( especially from a young age ) starting , then it will have achieved it's purpose
Afterall what would be the point of the advert if it did not stir people into taking action - or make young people aware of the dangers of smoking ?
Past , mild advertisements and warnings on cigarette packets does not appear to have worked , have they ?
At least this advert has resulted in a huge response to the helplines from smokers , wanting to give up .
I have spoken to work colleagues , who are smokers, both young and old , who tell me that they desperately wish that they had not taking up the habit , in the first place
On my way to work I used to pass a college , where outside the front of the building there were hordes of young girls standing there smoking .
I often wondered how may of them will regret it in later life , particularly as I suspect that many of them started smoking in order to fit in with the crowd .