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British families should be first in the housing queue not immigrants

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AB Asks | 10:50 Mon 21st May 2007 | News
81 Answers
Labour minister Margaret Hodge says British families should be given council housing ahead of immigrants. She said it was unfair that new arrivals jumped to front of the queue leaving no homes for British families. Hodge caused controversy last year by saying that Labour had failed to deal with immigration or provide affordable housing which in turn prompted the traditional-working class voters to move to BNP. What do you think? Are Hodge's claims true?


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F##k all the immigrants,money grabbing scum,who cares if they have no where to go they should not come over here and expect it all to be given to them.............
Neil, congratulations on a well thought out argument. I wish I could have thought of it!

Ha ha ha...Neil isn't too keen on the gays either.

I can only pray that a big flaming, leather-wearing, man-kissing, disco-dancing, vermont-living, christina aguilera-lovin', mykonos-going** asylum seeker moves next door to him.

(** with thanks to the script-writers of Will & Grace for that line).
sp1814, you have just described yourself - mincer. Its not that well thought out, just what 99% of this country think.
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So are yo saying that less than 1% of the country are immigrants????

Again if only that 99% could argue the case as eloquently as yourself.

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Such repartee, rationalising and reasoning it takes my breath away. Oh if only I could respond to intellectual challenges to my belief system with such eloquence as hippy, f***k, mince and scum. Who is your guru, your pedagogue � you have clearly been taught to use the English language to its fullest degree, your post is pure poetry and should be captured for posterity. Have you published because it�s obvious you are a literary genius? Your ability to elucidate and explicate is so impressive � oh I envy your ability to articulate your thoughts.
you're in for it now Ruby!!

are you looking forward to hearing what you are?
dear ruby,
one is inclined to agree with your astute observations regarding the erudite and charming contributer we have found in neil... such verve, such elan... simply breathtaking!

how clever of you to noticed that he is surely poised to take the literary world by storm!

i'll bet dear old oscar wished he'd lived to witness this day - what joy!

however, can I be a fu*king hippy too?
I am a hippy, and i do enjoy fu*king on occasion
Well I expect be called a fu**ing leftie hippy mincing social worker at the very least and would feel highly slighted if I am not. It may be too much to hope that scum and paedo lover are also included. I have scanned some previous threads to see if Neil has any more terms to use but that appears to be the extent of his repertoire. However he has been silent for a while so I am confident that this is due to him being in contact with the Muse and any minute he will burst forth with a response that will astound, delight and inspire. A wordsmith of such quality will never disappoint his unwavering loyal audience.
It truly is a shame that the basket case crew are taking over this thread. You seem more interested in bringing up past threads or putting in the most descriptive meaning of words, again used in past threads. Move on with your lives, i have. Then again, hippy does spring to

You know you said that 99% of the country agree with your stance?

Well, you know you're wrong, don't you?

Also, why are you so angry, and have you ever been an audience member of the Jeremy Kyle Show?

Well done on recognising the quote. I had to Google it to make sure I'd got it right.

Now, I think we should stop teasing Neilzulu1 with our long words, balanced analysis and cogent reasoning. It's a form of bullying y'know.
I do not have time to watch that Kyle show, as i have a life. Teasing ? When & where ? Boring clap trap more like. Yes and mentioning the Kyle show is really a balanced part of an argument. Oh dear, more crap from the no life team.
Neil I do owe you an apology because whilst you may not have experienced my posting as a form of bullying, sp1814 was perceptive and recognized my motivation. Fortunately I have not caused you any harm but that is due to your resilience or my lack of ability rather than my intent. I was as seen by sp1814, attempting to ridicule you.

Whilst I would probably never agree with you about anything, this does not give me the right to attempt to belittle your postings and use of the English language. Undoubtedly we will cross swords again but it should be to exchange views and to attempt to educate and persuade, not to use postings as a form of verbal aggression. After all we hippy left wing scum are so often condemning others acts as abuse we should not try and occupy the moral high ground whilst being as guilty as those whom we point the finger against.
sp1814 you were right, I stand rebuked and will try not to slip into intellectual snobbery again - it irritates the hell out of me when I am subject to it so why should I do it to others
Hi all, this is my 1st post on this site and this topic is one that i am very opinionated about at the moment! Three weeks ago my husband and i along with our 4 children all under 10, were evicted from our home after we could no longer keep up with the mortgage repayments. We fought for 5 long and hard years to keep our house but it became impossible. We have been to the council and ALL they can offer us is 2 rooms at a bed and breakfast 20 miles away (we do not own a car) at a cost of 120 pounds a night for each room lol lol lol....... i laugh because if we could afford that we would not have lost our house!! My husband works full time so we are not entitled to housing benefit so we have been left with no choice but to move in with my parents. There are 8 of us sharing a small 3 bed house with just 1 bathroom and we have been told that we are now no longer counted as homeless so there is no chance of being rehoused any time soon!
My husband has worked full time paying his taxes and national insurance since the day he left school, never ever claiming any benefits and now in our hour of need the is little or no help! So yes i think the comments made by Magaret Hodge are founded and long overdue! Its about time that someone recognised that British people are not given the same as immigrants, im all for equal rights but it has to work both the moment British people are are not being treated fairly!!
Naty, if you see this post please get back to me as I can gladly advise you on this. I have been in an extremly similar situation. You can get housing benefits to cover the B&B, you would probably pay about 13 quid a week. I would have thought you would be in B&B for a maximum of 6 months. It seems rubbish at the times but better than the private renting route.
Also whoever you are staying with needs to give you an eviction notice to get your 60 points for homeless back, dont forget that you overcrowding will count for a lot too.... should put you way above the points list. Get in touch with Shelter, they are magic.

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