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Public Denial

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curlyperm | 19:27 Wed 06th Jun 2007 | News
37 Answers
Was on my pooter but had the news on in the background, now did i hear correct that that McCann couple in Portugal have been forced to publically deny having anything to do wwith the disappearence of their daughter? (sorry dont mean to start a whole debate thing going on, and have been waiting for someone else to mention it) just curious TIA


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Yes, a journalist asked them outright, and they denied it, so you heard right Curly.
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Ah bless ya, at least i'm not hearing things lol
Yes I heard it also. It's amazing how stupid some reporters are! The grief that family has gone through and must be on a par of losing a child through illness never to be seen again. They must now be clutching at straws as most of us believe she will never be seen alive.
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you're not wrong there kwicky ; )
It's a question that hadn't been asked - maybe it needed asking?
Not such a stupid question.

More people are murdered by members of their own family or people they know than are murdered by people they do not know.
This was what the Portuguese Police first thought - it's not so stupid.
That reporter should never be allowed to ask / cover any stories again. How in sensitive was that ? Bloody idiot !!
I agree its a fair question really.
Some one had to ask it.
And I'm sure that they must be aware that there are quite a few people who have asked the question on many sites.
It gives them the chance to answer those people.
How many times have we seen sobbing relitives in tv interviews telling everyone how they feel only to be caught later as the killer of their beloved. It happens.
Amazed they've not been asked this question before or for that matter why they left their children alone that fateful night. This shows all the signs of how ,when you court publicity as they have done,the tide can very quickly turn against you as it did for the maccans today.I just hope for a happy ending to all this and pray for Madeleine's safe return.
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thanks for your views. When i wrote 'Your not wrong there kwicky' i meant in realstion to the fact that she is probably no longer alive. I for one think it was a perfectly reasonable question.
Was having a heated debate last night with Mr CP who (since the day one) has had these two down as 'guilty' and............... whilst he wishes no harm to the child - is not the most compassionate person ever, towards these irresponsable parents. something was pointed out to me though and it made me wonder.............we have NEVER yet heard ONE person say 'Oh my children used to play with her she was a wonderful child' or ANYTHING along those lines? normally in a situation like this you get all sorts of teachers, neighbours, friends, nurseries coming up with all sorts of 'fond memories and photos etc...' but not so in this case? strange, unless i have been living with Mr Cynical for too long.............
Yes, curlyperm. Very strange.

You should call the police and point this out to them. It could be the lead they've been waiting for. Her parents have clearly murdered her.
What strikes me as strange is that the parents said they would not return home to england until she is found, but they are travelling all around other countries , so why not come home and make an appeal.I just hope the little girl is found safe and that other parents who leave their children in similar circumstances will think twice in future.
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oh i have Njok, i have..................of that you can be sure!
i think, due to having failed their child completely as parents, the McCanns think that by filling the papers with all the efforts the family are making to find her people will just start assuming they're a great and caring family who would never have neglected their child. It means there's no space in the papers for anyone to be talking about what a nice little girl she is, only what great people the family are for trying to find their child after they've lost her.

I don't want to demonise them, no person should have to experience the completely unbearable pain I imagine they feel, I do have sympathy for them, I know it was one terrible mistake that they have to live with but I think they should at least realise and accept the mistake they made rather than insisting what great, caring parents they are and trying to prove it with a world tour.
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well put tiny x
Don't worry, once the book comes out all will be made clear. Oh, and the film too......
It`s about time someone asked them that question, it`s not as if the reporter accused them, they were only asked if they were aware that some people suggested they had something to do with the abduction, and judging by their reply...they had prepared themselves for it
I think the question had to be asked. At the same german press conference, the McCanns also indicated that they had a great deal of support from the publicfor what they are doing at the moment. Personally, I think they are well aware of how much criticism they are receiving.

I genuinely think they are not involved in Madeleine's disappearance (except that they were guilty of neglect). I think, like others here, that they are acting as they are because they feel riddled with guilt.

I also feel unfortunately that there actions have hindered rather than helped the search for their daughter.
All of the circus has been of no help whatsover and fair play to the reporter for asking the question - remember there is no evidence whatsover to say she has been abducted,

As for the European tour, I would bet money that little girl could walk past you tomorrow and you wouldn't recognise her. Think they are just trying to atone for their severe shortcomings as parents.

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