Bring on the smoking ban. I can't wait for tomorrow, as I sit here somking. Why???? because I'm giving up tomorrow, I;ve got my patches and my willpower, but the ban will help me no end. I don't want to stand alone outside a pub, |' don't want to stand in the street outside my office, looking like a castaway. I'm giving up.
NOTE I did not say I'm trying to give up. I said I AM GIVEING UP.
As for passive smoking, yes I believe it is harmful to others who work in an environment where they are subjected to the constant breathing of others peoples smoke, but so are all people in cities who are subjected to the pollution of cars, and the hazards of daily living. Dose'nt make smoking right.
Smoking cannot be compared to alcohol or heroin, each DRUG is different.. Antibiotics treat bactiria, Morphine (heroin) is a pain killer, tobacco...................................
Just costs money.
I'm a non smoker from tomorrow........