The BNP ideology is white nationalism and Euronationalism (fascism). In countries with a longer history of mass immigration, as in Britain, some definitions of the national identity now include immigrants.
At its founding, the BNP was explicitly racist. In 1990 it was described by the European Parliament's committee on racism and xenophobia as an "openly Nazi party... whose leadership have serious criminal convictions". When asked in 1993 if the BNP was racist, its deputy leader Richard Edmonds said, "We are 100 per cent racist, yes". Founder John Tyndall proclaimed that "Mein Kampf is my bible". In recent times this has changed to Nick Griffin who claims that his core ideology is "concern for the well-being of the English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish ethnic nations that compose the United Kingdom�, an attempt to distract from white supremacy (rule over �foreign� peoples).
For the BNP it comes down to race and colour. The BNP requires that all members must be members of the "Indigenous Caucasian" "racial group" [Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Norse folk communities of Britain and those (we) regard as closely related and ethnically assimilated or assimilable aboriginal members of the European race also resident in Britain.]
They are still racist and therefore fascist.