Crosswords5 mins ago
whos baby was on time?
26 Answers
What is the likelyhood of my baby being early? Apparently that Mylene Klass was 3 weeks early and that was her first baby too....My boyfriend has been doing some work away recently (not staying over, just travelling down, doing the work and coming back). Im getting nervous now incase when i finish work i have the baby early and hes not here!! I know id be in labour for ages anyway and im not likely to have it early, but i would rather he was here as soon as anything happens! But then he cant exactly not take any of the work amonth before im even due!!
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.I was induced the first time with my son so maybe that speeded it up. I dont know what made it so quick just god damn lucky i guess,they say its more painful when your induced but id rather that than 30hrs of labour.I was in early labour with both my children for 2 days but my son was taking ages,my active labour was under 3 hrs with both.I am very petite and fit but dont think that had anything to do with it. Hope yours is quick too
hello, i was told my baby was going to be premature, buut like you had no idea when to expect her, i was 7 months gone and out shopping with mum for our the pram shop i was experiencing lots of pain and discomfort, i thought this was due to my baby having less room as ive a double uterus...i can remember the lady in the shop demonstrating all the functions of the pram, and thinking to myself i wish she'd bloody hurry up im dying to sit down.
so we went to my mums, and the pain would come and go, i just learned to cope with it, and was lying in bed after eating a huge indian curry, when i had a show of blood... just a little, i shouted mum and she was convinced somthing was happening.. so into the hospital, picked boyfriend up on the way.. the Dr came to examine me, with mum and boyfriend waiting outside...and i was 4 centimeters dilated! i had been in labour all ******* day and hadent realised!!
as my baby was breech and due to me having a double uterus i had an emergency section. a healthy perfect wee girl. to say we werent prepared was an understatement .
its something you think about more and more as you progress with your pregnancy, i think a certain amount of luck comes into it, everyone close to you will know your nearing your time, get people with cars to be on standby, if you boyfriend is still away at work. good luck and try not to worry, radio. xxxx
so we went to my mums, and the pain would come and go, i just learned to cope with it, and was lying in bed after eating a huge indian curry, when i had a show of blood... just a little, i shouted mum and she was convinced somthing was happening.. so into the hospital, picked boyfriend up on the way.. the Dr came to examine me, with mum and boyfriend waiting outside...and i was 4 centimeters dilated! i had been in labour all ******* day and hadent realised!!
as my baby was breech and due to me having a double uterus i had an emergency section. a healthy perfect wee girl. to say we werent prepared was an understatement .
its something you think about more and more as you progress with your pregnancy, i think a certain amount of luck comes into it, everyone close to you will know your nearing your time, get people with cars to be on standby, if you boyfriend is still away at work. good luck and try not to worry, radio. xxxx
It will bl00ody hurt!!! You'll be fine,it'll all be over before you know it and you'll have this tiny person in your arms that you've been waiting for,for 9 months,id do it a million times over. Just keep active,i was doing starjumps at 9 months pregnant cos i was so fed up!!! Think it worked!!! And my labours were drug free,yeah shocking isnt it,but there was no time,they both flew out lol :)
wow! thats nuts! im 29 weeks and 2 days and im sure if i had my baby now it would never be big enough to survive! im measuring exactly right for my date and everything but my bumps not huge and i cant really gage the actual size of the baby (surely most of it is water anyway?)
I hope i have a labour where i dont even realise!! Best put my boyf on my car insurance quick then!!
I hope i have a labour where i dont even realise!! Best put my boyf on my car insurance quick then!!
I wasnt the right size with my second child my daughter and i thought i was far too small,but she was a healthy 7lb 6oz so dont worry you'll prob have a 9lb Lol!!! with my first child i was 60% water but he was a healthy 7lb 6 1/2 0z too. mmmmm chocolate trifle i've got some in the fridge you just reminded me,ta!!! If your baby was born now,it actually would have a good chance to survive. I was a nervous wreck when i was pregnant,always thinkin there was something wrong,or if they had two heads and 6 legs!! Lol
hahahahha! me too.......i wont stop worrying until ive got it in my arms and i can see that its fine with my own eyes! And then i'll probably want to put it back in cos it will keep me awake all night and make my mammaries hurt! (Probably just to get me back for poking it in the head everytime it hasnt moved for an hour!)
Yeah the fun really starts after labour!! My first night was hard its such a shock,plus i couldnt sleep cos i was worried all the time cos i couldnt hear them breathing or not moving,but all settled down now and in routine,plus im a young mum so total life change!!! Im even getting excited for you cos its such a nice feeling,hope everything goes well and baby hasnt got 6 legs Lol :)
Hi someonesgirl and everyone :o)
It's hard to second guess what will happen! Please don't try to compare yourself with others like my sister has been doing (talk about 20 questions about giving birth! lol) as you will scare yourself. My sister is expecting her first child in Sept but has been told by Doc's that she will have him way before then! She lives in Oz so sadly I won't get to meet my little nephew but I was convinced when seeing her on webcam that she would have had him by now!!! looks like she is in for the full ride now as we are counting down the days really!!
With my first daughter she was 13 days over due and I was due to be induced on the Monday when on the Friday night before I was woken up by a thunderstorm and started having pains all weekend! went to hosp on the Mon and was told I was hardly dialated but labour had started! She was born at 6.06pm that night!
My second daughter was 2 days early! and I was having contractions the night before and was sent home from hospital, went back that evening and she was born 12.11am.
Just try not to worry, relax and enjoy the moment, sounds silly I know but it will soon all be over and you will have a beautiful little life in your hands to care for .... then the fun really starts!! lol
Good luck with it all and hope I haven't scared you! You will be fine :o)
It's hard to second guess what will happen! Please don't try to compare yourself with others like my sister has been doing (talk about 20 questions about giving birth! lol) as you will scare yourself. My sister is expecting her first child in Sept but has been told by Doc's that she will have him way before then! She lives in Oz so sadly I won't get to meet my little nephew but I was convinced when seeing her on webcam that she would have had him by now!!! looks like she is in for the full ride now as we are counting down the days really!!
With my first daughter she was 13 days over due and I was due to be induced on the Monday when on the Friday night before I was woken up by a thunderstorm and started having pains all weekend! went to hosp on the Mon and was told I was hardly dialated but labour had started! She was born at 6.06pm that night!
My second daughter was 2 days early! and I was having contractions the night before and was sent home from hospital, went back that evening and she was born 12.11am.
Just try not to worry, relax and enjoy the moment, sounds silly I know but it will soon all be over and you will have a beautiful little life in your hands to care for .... then the fun really starts!! lol
Good luck with it all and hope I haven't scared you! You will be fine :o)