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4gottenabout | 09:00 Mon 10th Sep 2007 | News
20 Answers
A new school has been built without a playground to stop bullying. Do you think this will work?


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So bullying is just confined to the playground then?

I think not.

And whos wonderful idea is this then 4got.
So does it have no toilets either that's where our bullies hung out? lol
Heaven help us
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Have no idea I heard it on news this morning, some new school in peterborough, ridiculous isnt it, what about in classroom, school trips etc, there are ways of bullying even in front of teachers with mind games
Bullying before/after school?

All it will achieve is the shifting of the words ''i'm going to get you in the playground'' to my opening paragrath.

So all they are doing is,

Taking the childs exercise/playtime away.

Great idea {not}
Question Author
exactly seems more like a prison to me
My son has just started secondary school and they have built a year 7 playground. This is to ensure a smoother transition into BIG school.

Lets face it, anything that we can do to stop bullying must be a positive move.
Perhaps if they remove the playground, all the kids will become so fat they won't be bothered about bullying, or at least not capable of administering the Chinese burns etc.
Is there a link?
I suppose it cut's out the middle man to flogging off the land at a later date! Yea : let's all feel like we started work six years earlier!! Are the whole school going to be able to eat in the half hour time slot? Seems very odd.
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"We have taken away an uncontrollable space to prevent bullying and truancy."

How laughable is this? I cannot believe for one minute having no playground will stop either of the above! /news/news.html?in_article_id=453128&in_page_i d=1770

Of course this idea could spread to other areas as well.

Build cars with no wheels to stop car accidents and so reduce the numbers of people getting killed and injured.

Get shops to remove all their goods to stop shoplifting.

Concrete over all the lakes, canals, and rivers to stop people drowning.

Let arms manufacturers continue to make guns, but not bullets, to stop wars.

Get pubs to stop selling alcohol to stop people getting drunk and starting fights and commiting crimes (actually that is not a bad idea).

The list is endless.
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my god that brilliant veryhelpful guy, or square wheels, and make all knives out of rubber to stop stabbings
What an idiotic idea. Children will get even less exercise than they do now, and the bullies will just wait until the school day is over - and attack outside the school gates.
Ban all children from school - that'll solve it!
netibiza, you've cracked it!! :o)
No Playground??? That is preposterous!!!! This Island is turning into Nazi Germany!!!!
Its political correctness gone mad.

Its like the Labour party banning sports day because it might upset kids kids that are not sporty.

At least the council wont be selling off the sports field because it doesnt have one.

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