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London Zoo - Gay Sunday

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4getmenot | 14:08 Tue 11th Sep 2007 | News
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I have just read in paper about 'gay Sunday' being held at London zoo. Why does anyone feel the need to have days like this anymore. It says they'll be a homosexual debate and drag queens, like all gay people like drag queens. I don't quite understand why a gay person would go to a day like this, if its to say they are gay and proud of it why do they feel the need they have to? It shouldn't be an issue surely by now we all know some people like the same sex some don't, some like both. Can gay people not go to a normal day at London Zoo because straight people will pick them out straight away? We don't separate black and white anymore so why should we make an issue out of being gay by having events like this? I;d just like to hear peoples views and maybe something that would change my mind about it being a waste of time


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no but I went on all the big rides puking in between and having hotdogs for dinner :-)
jake,do you have a problem with my post.
I can't answer for Jake but I do.

Why would you call all gay people animals?
my views on gays are my views,your views are yours,everybody has their views on everything,and that is their choice, freedom of speech in this country gives me the right to have that view,thats how i feel. if it upsets you im sorry,but thats it.
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true you can have your homophobic sick vierws if you like.
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sorry views :-)
Your views are your own entirely. I agree.

I just didn't see the need for the insult.
you only class it as a insult because your view is different,dont critisise other peoples views because they are not as yours.
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I'm sure it is an insult to gay people norman.
I class it as an insult because it was intended as so. I can't imagine anyone being particularly happy being called an animal.

You have called a group of people you do not know animals. Even though the question wasn't asking your view point on homosexuality.

It's your opinion to own but you may well then be called up to account for it.

An opinion is something you arrive at based on evidence.

Your post seems more like an emotional resposnse.

That doesn't qualify as an opinion
all of a sudden,your qualified to make that assumption.
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are you saying its not an insult to gay people then?
Thats probably why they are having a gay Sunday, still millions of NORMANS around.
You posted that it was animals looking at animals.

The fact that all humans are animals is a truism - it is so obviously true it doesn't need saying and since the thread is about homosexuality it was clearly obvious that you meant it as in insult.

You offerred no other information than a simple insult, you demonstrated no logical thought - it's therefore quite reasonable to assume it is purely the product of am emotional response.

Don't worry you're in good company - it never ceases to amaze me how many people can't distinguish between an opinion and an emotional response.

Of course we have a better word for the latter - we call it a prejudice
could be an opportunity to discuss and highlight "gay" behaviour in the animal kingdom, could be informative as many still say that homosexual actions are not natural whilst examples can also be seen in many other animals too i believe
Crikey ! I managed to miss this thread yesterday.......... struck me as being an odd occasion if I'm honest. I love going to my local zoo but I'm not sure that being surrounded by flaming queens or scowling dykes could actually enhance the experience......

Unless there was a sound and sensible reason for the event I'm afraid that I have to concur with most of the other postings.....except Normans, obviously.
I wonder how the animals feel about it.
I missed this post yesterday...interesting views.

I certainly won't be going along, because I don't like zoos (Guy the Gorilla spat at me back in the 70s).

As long as there are NORMANTHEDOGs in the world, I think it makes sense for gay men and women to celebrate and get together.

Yes, Britain absolutely leads the world in terms of acceptance (civil partnerships, adoption right etc), but it doesn't mean we can rest on our laurels.

Gay teenagers are still much more likely to commit suicide than their straight counterparts because there are still people (adults included) who's attitude to gays 'Neanderthalistic' a real word???
There would not be uproar if you celebrated being heterosexual - Loaded magazine actually did hold a "straight pride." There was no uproar. Some gay people even attended. The fundamental flaw with this is gay pride is not just a celebration of being gay. It's about sticking a middle finger up at the suppressive homophobes out there both in the UK and abroad. Admittedly the UK is a much easier country to be gay in than, say, Iran, but that's not the point. Gay pride (and other "gay days") aren't defending the rights of gays just in the UK - it's a global effort. When was the last time you heard of someone being hanged for being straight? Or beaten up at school because someone thought they might be straight? Or committing suicide because they cannot reconcile their heterosexuality and their religion? Never.

That aside, back in the UK, societal attitudes are still negative towards gay people. Look at Jody Dobrowski. Obviously, as with racism, homophobia will never be totally eradicated - and it's a million times better than it was before. However, a black person should now no longer go out and feel scared that they might get beaten up because they are black. Yes, it could happen, but it's highly unlikely, and I should imagine the black "community" feel as safe as the next person frequenting bars and clubs. However, the threat of homophobic attacks still lingers in the mind of every gay person who is going out. A gay person can still not walk down the street holding his or her partner's hand without being stared at or hurled abuse at. Gay people cannot kiss in the queue at the supermarket. The law protects people's rights to do these things, but society does not.

It's very easy to be straight and subscribe to this "you've got the same rights now shut up" attitude. It's quite a different matter when you're actually gay. If you're not homophobic, these days should not bother you in the slightest, but they do do a great deal for raising

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