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Maddie's death confirmed?

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netibiza | 23:11 Thu 13th Sep 2007 | News
58 Answers
If you look on the Daily Mail's website now (I can't post a link, it's not working) it says that a very respectable French paper has confirmed that she died from an overdose, according to the bodily fluids found in the car. How awful is that??


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88% DNA match? thats the sort of thing that gets people thrown in prison and then released with a pat on the back and a handshake 25 years later. Lawyers and newspapers can manipulate DNA results to blindingly prove their case, to those who know no better.
Cant say whether they did or didnt do it. It seems funny that car was never torn apart to look for evidence if this is what they are resting their case on.
Awww I wasn't getting at you weeal, honest, nor Legend really. Just language like that on a forum makes me wince (even though I often swear like a trooper myself at home!)

Anyhoos, sorry Neti for going off on a tangent, do carry on

Sorry folks.
no need to apologise BOO, youre right, I think this whole McCann case just gets everyones hackles up
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BOO what pregnancy thread - or are you mountainboo?
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legend, your post was Ok until the last three words, use them when they are found guilty. But I do not think it was an abduction either!!!
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Legend, I wasnt commenting on your proceeding paragraph, it was the swear words and them alone I objected to. I'm not getting at you at all, infact I've already said once that I wasn't. If you think I am getting at you then I'm sorry. Can we keep our dislike of each other out of someone elses thread please? Thanks.

Neti, nawww. My post, in Family/Pregnancy, titled "Oh blimey"
"if" is a bit like the word "may" isnt it? conditonal! Totally changes the sentence if you include it or dont, why does this feel so familiar.

Consider yourself royally bollokced B00, if you wish to join me in Legs permanent naughty corner, I have a spare dunce hat and Ill even let you put your own music on for a bit.

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I have been so convinced that they are guilty that I feel bad now, until it is proven, so am trying to be fair! but it's hard.
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...and I also feel they are largely to blame (whatever the outcome) for leaving -drugged or not - the children alone.
Look at the top of this page. Now who's vain. only lookinng at posts to do with you?

You cant bang on about something for 3 posts when you did exactly the same thing earlier. Still back to insulting everyone, it suits you.
Gordon Bennet, my contribution to this thread was actually the longest and you missed it. AMAZING!!!

Yes I agree Netibiza, but do you not feel it raking up old ground? They know, we know everyone knows and if they arent guilty of asnything more than this they will never do it again will they?
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Yes Goody I do, but I try not to be two-faced so have to explain my feelings. One minute I'm blaming them then the next I'm sticking up for them so I haven't been going on about it for a while now, as things get too heated.
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The Daily Mail has now removed all readers comments - must be inundated by now.
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