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Just got in - didn't realise it would generate this many answers. I haven't read them all properly yet, but here are a few other things.
Our basic pay is not high - it is made up from allowances that want to be got rid of. Yes, some postmen get paid holidays and sickness, but some (newer ones) don't, and peronally I hate the holdays. It's nice having a break, but awful getting basic money.
Yes there are worse, lower paid jobs, but they start that way. It's a bit different to actually lose income once you have the job.
Emails are not the future. For a start, many years ago this was a worry, but in truth, the growth of the internet has generated more work. There wouldn't be an Amazon now if that were not the case. Also, not everyone has a PC or email, and many things HAVE to be on paper.
Regarding working hours, many postmen do the job so they can child mind or pick up kids while theit wives go to work. How can they do that if they are told to work a ten hour day or sent to an office miles away?
Also, there will NEVER be competition the public can use - it will cost too much to set up. As I said at the beginning, what will happen if we disappear is that you will have a mail collection point, and that will be that.
Just read Elvis's post. and yes, then we could earn overtime doing other rounds. The keyword there is "then" - as I said at the beginning, it has been going down and down over the last five years or so especially.