in my opinion it is not up to "the system" to support those children, it's up to their damn parents?! Where is parental responsibility in all this then? If parents feel that fostering is detrimental tou their own children then they should stop. If they are overlooked, then again that is the parents fault.
By implying it is up to some namelesss, faceless "system" to support them, you are implying that i as a taxpayer should pay for it, aren't you? Well i don't want to. Its up to people to make a reasonable, informed decision about whether to be foster/adoptive parents and to consider the effect it might have on any of their biological offspring, not the state.
Lots of people have "issues" with their parents as they are growing up, but they dont get supported by the state/charities unless there is physical or mental abuse.
I also feel that noone else knows what it feels like to have this particular set of issues apart from people who go through it, so why shouldn't it be encumbent on them or people like them to set up a support network, or charity dedicated to it. If YOU are in this position kaz, why don't you start a support network/group for similar problems, and take the problem into your own hands instead of expecting someone else to sort this problem for you