Ok, and I will say this for the fat people who couldn't get to the front row.
If you eat too much junk, don't exercise and sit munching buscuits all day, you will get fat.
Sure, some people have metabolism issues or trouble with thyroid glands. I know a few people with these conditions. only one of them is fat and by his own admission, this is because he 'eats too much and does b*gger all exercise'.
It doesn't cost the earth to eat healthily and it makes me sick that people use that as an excuse for not doing it. Water is free (within reason) and fruit is cheaper than BigMacs.
As for the government being responsible. NO, NO, NO!!!
Sure they are responsible for the flood of imigrants, poor healthcare and inadequate police but they do not force food down our throats and they do not stop people exercising.
Ok, I'd better get off this soapbox as its a bit rickety. :-)