Hang on, dont agree with her views but loads of artists do that, as shown. There is so much venom in some of the answers posted. We are all influenced in some ways and I think its quite sad that this girl has been conditioned in this way. The American and the United Kingdoms Government have got major form for 'Terroism' if you look at the last 40 years alone. But this does not warrant people turning to this false idea of Holy War and Jihad. Sadly our Governments weak choices in Iraq, Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, Bosnia, Kosovo etc, have contributed to many people around the World beginning to hate us, which is awful because we, ironically do not have a say in these decisions. The girl is wrong. Period. Theres is enough information available now, to those who look to see a bigger picture where man is being conditioned to support false and evil ideas on both ideas for political gain.