We cannot blame Police Officers themselves for working on Camera Safety Units, or any other job which doesn't involve being 'out there' on general patrol. Officers are given the opportunity to apply for specific roles (often applied for as an easier option). There are far too many officers who work behind a desk, Monday to Friday, are overweight, unfit and will come up with any excuse to not have to undertake what we see as general police duties. But do we blame them? They get the same pay rise as all the others who work much harder, they could also be receiving housing allowance (those with a certain length of service) which would cover their mortgage payments each month and they still receive competency payments each year. A Police Officer with 25 year's service will be earning in excess of �40,000 per year (everything taken into account). Not bad? The Government need to insist that every PC completes a fitness test each year (similar to the the ones they have to do to join) or it's goodbye. Pay rises should also be performance related.
We have some fantastic and dedicated officers in this country who work their butts off. However, for every one who does, there's another who's just hanging in there for the pension.