With Marks & Spencer announcing a nose dive in profits for December , I saw the following in one of the daily papers , today
A cartoon , showing a graph with the heading ' Profits December ' - with the graph line in the form of a stream of water sloping steeply from top to bottom of the graph - and the caption -
' This isn't just any slump in profits - this is an M&S slump in profits'
Seen / read / heard ,anything recently, that made you chuckle - just a bit ?
I saw a van the other day where someone had written in the dirt "I wish my wife was this dirty !"
That made me chuckle !
Also one that always makes me smile. There is an old railway near us with an old platform with the words "Please keep behind the white line or the train will suck you off !!"
Showss a couple. She has newspaper with headline 'Nuclear Fears'. He is coming in through the door looking startled, hair swept back in a line, scarf billowing horizontally from his neck and he is saying...
In my defence it was sent to me.... I could never come up with something so rude.
Btw, think you should start a campaigne to get 'fiddlesticks' back in to common use... Think Splat was on the bringing back old words case some time a go. I wasn to bring back 'terribly.'