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helliebobs | 16:09 Thu 31st Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
As most of you know Unrulyjulie is due to visit me very soon and to be honest, I'm starting to get worried. At first I was quite excited but now I'm starting to doubt I'll live up to her (very high) expectations. She seems to think I'll be on hand to keep her amused the whole weekend - what if I can't perform? Or what if she finds me really dull and boring and completely unlike the person she knows online?
Have any of you ever met in person someone you met online and been disappointed?
More importantly, what do I do if I don't like Jules? What if she behaves inappropriately? I can't just kick her out can I? What if the meeting ruins our friendship?


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Oh I thought you were female ... errr, that's not a pc thought is it??
I've met people from online. 2 from myspace, 1 from here and loads of other Starsailor geeks. They have all been lovely. Some have been nicer than I expected them to be. I'm sure you'll get on fine.
The first thing I'll tell you when I arrive in Preston is that you are very welcome to send me on my way again; I have the same fear!

The pair of you will get on like a house on fire, lady! I know it. I want to hear all about it, too. :o)

Besides, K and E are there for entertainment , too! x
pmsl @ you hels!
Not in a million years am i gonna be disappointed with you! My expectations are actually not as high as i have led you to believe ;-)

You can kick me out if you really dont like me though, i will go and hunt down dot instead! or just go home, im not easily offended by rejection on that scale ! ;-)

I can't promise i won't behave inapropriately though i must admit, you ask ray! He had to keep telling me off for various reasons! The main one was that i drank all his champagne and ate his crumpets! I think he huid the bottles in the finish! Mind you, saying that, he did ask me to stay an extra 2 days so i can't have been that bad, can i??? lol
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I wasn't worried really, I just wanted to wind Jules up :)
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You talking to me Legend? :)
Hello hellie, watch her round the booze, she is an old soak she's got hollow legs, and I had to keep picking her up off the floor, but having said that, she was clean and tidy when she arrived.

Seriously though, you two will have such a great time, when julie came to us we had some great laughs and she is not one bit different to what she is on here, so easy to get on with and it was as if we had known each other for years and years, she even knows where we leave the front door key, so next time she comes up she can get the kettle on and light the fire. have great time you two, I know it will be a great success xx
It didnt work! lol I just know im gonna think youre ace anyway! ;-) and vice versa, of course!

ws, the kids are going to love it!
Little man will knock you bandy when he points all the cars out, he knew exactly where we left the car in the car park and what we parked next too, it was so funny
aw ray, thank you ! what a lovely thing to say and it was you kept getting the booze out not me lol

so hels, in answer to your original question, i am yet to be dispapointed. ray was everything and more ! as you will be too! im a good judge.

oh and it sounds like im bagging free weekends all over the place lol
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Awww ray you made her blub!!!
You know what I think? I think i'm going find it hard to get rid of her, I'll be clinging to her legs at the train station begging her not to go :)
Oh and one word Whisks: diary.
mr bean, maybe they were just using you. have you ever thought of that? what a revelation that would be !!
Ive met a fair few off-line -went to BP for the weekend and had a ball.
I keep up with 4 all of the time -have met each other loads-phone and are really pals in the real world now -we dont even talk about on-line ir how it stared it seems like we have always been pals.

You will have a blast the pair of you -bet you cant resist coming on at least once -when you have imbibed -we did that from Spain -but it was bloody spanish keyboard so my post was just sh!te -my pal (met on line) thankfully took over -lol

I shall check in periodically over the weekend -should be a laugh.
If she needs to be occupied for a while just leave the laptop out with AB on screen, she will be uable to resist the lure. To make sure she sees th computer leave the wine next it, sounds like a plan. lol. Is AB on tour then? Where next Minty towers?
hellie, thats the thing isn't it, it will go so quickly, when julie came we left it open, so if we never got on that well, she could go home the next day, but god the time just flew bye and it was just amazing, she is one hell of a good friend, i have told her things that I have never told anybody else. and she never judged me once,

I will always be greatfull for that and the advice julie gave me about certain things from my past, she knows exactly how much I think of her,

and I know you will be just as easy to get on with, I can just see you two sitting there with a loaf of dry bread (thick sliced) and laughing like a couple of hyenas xx
oops -5 -just remembered -didnt want to leave anyone out -lol
You drinking already Dris? lol how ya doing scots lassie? xx

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