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No one gives a toss about Pancake day

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Gromit | 11:44 Mon 04th Feb 2008 | News
14 Answers
In an age when most people would have to resort to the SatNav to find their local church, it is not surprising to learn that two thirds of us ignore Pancake Day;jse ssionid=LFVDHQ1A5BBMVQFIQMFSFF4AVCBQ0IV0?xml=/ news/2008/02/04/npancake104.xml

Another christian tradition dying out because the British would sooner eat smelly curries.

It's PC gone mad.


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I must be one of the remaining third of the population looking forward to Pancake Day Gromit.
I've promised the eldest 4GS sprog that he can help me to make a feast of pancakes
nothing beats the look on my daughters face as I try in vain to toss pancakes! we shall definitely be eating some! (not with curry i hasten to add!)
I only celebrate Chocolate Day these days. Shouldn't this question be under Seasonal?
Good old pancake day! I like it for no other reason than I never make pancakes at any other time of the year - and yesterday, someone came up with two fantastic recipes.'s just knowing where to find it again.....
Oh yes they do, gromit,I made mine last night, although wicked woman that I am, not the British, but the American pancake.
I think they call them 'a stack o' wheat' - much easier and faster to make.
I spent �45 on a non stick frying pan last year, just for pancakes.....and they still stick, even though I grease the pan :-( They end up like scrambled eggs !
I'll just have to get some Aunt Bessie's
Get a pan out, Gromit - you might as well boost the tradition!
I absolutely can't stand pancakes and never have been able to. Horrible things.... Floppy, fried lard on a plate.

Hi CD - depends what you have with them. I prefer my brother's egg soup... yum.
Egg soup?

That doesn't sound so good either actually, I may need some convincing. (Besides, I thought egg soup was what you had when you don't cook the pancakes properly!)
I didn't realise it was tomorrow - so thank you for reminding me - best get the batter ready. My daughter had pancakes every morning for breakfast until recently when I stopped them because I worried about the daily intake of sugar and lemon on her teeth. Thanks again!
Hey CD it's great. Take two hard boiled eggs in their shells and place them in the pan. Add a bottle of scotch, a bottle of vodka, and a bottle of bacardi. Remove the eggs and drink the juice...
I've given up Christianity for Lent*, if that's any help..?

* and the rest of the year too, admittedly.
Haggis - I want tosubscribe to you idea I really do but I have to say my stomach has ways of dealing with that amount of alcohol in one go and it wouldn't be plesant!

I keep getting asked what I'm giving up for lent too actually. How odd.

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No one gives a toss about Pancake day

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