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Sex with a dead body

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sp1214 | 16:01 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | News
20 Answers
Can anybody act so low? 325.stm

I hate to think what he puts in his recipes.


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thats awful ....just over 2 years ago ...time gone fast ....what a waste of a lovely young girl ..hope he gets life
of course he will get life!!!!
wat a f**king freak!
he will get tortured in jail too!
quite rightly too
there are some very sick minded people in this world.

i wonder what it would be like if society wasn't full of these perverts?
he need to be hung !
I think you'll find that's HANGED.

A picture is hung a person is hanged.

Sorry it does me head in xx
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I think he's saying that because his sperm + DNA was found in her vagina, but he was not responsible for her death.
If a jury can be convinced of that then I will lose all faith in our judicial system
Oooooh... but you would!
yeh I thought as 4GS saying he is 'trying to get away with murder' making out the bf ran her over and left for dead then he has found the body and had sex
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I don't think he has a hell's chance of getting away with it. He committed an identical crime while in Australia. But doesn;t British justice stop that case being brought before the jury as it might influence the jury? If it is public news it will be hard to keep it quiet.
Not exactly new, though. What about John Reginald Christie? Have you seen '10 Rillington Place'?

'Breathe, Beryl, breathe!'
'It's what we doctors call a compound'

Yep, there are some sickos out there, and have been for some time.
I should think 4GS is correct. In cases like this, you admit everything except the actual crime you're charged with; it minimises the risk of you being caught lying.
Dennis Nilsen, who killed at least 15 men, often had "sex" with the dead bodies afterwards, sometimes even the next day.

Sick or what.
previous criminal convictions can now be disclosed in uk courts if it is used to show the character of the accused
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Sex with a dead person is illegal.

Sex with an animal is illegal with a dead animal is not illegal.

I am off to the Abattoir. See you later.

Of course it's not nice.

But if I had to pick out the most horrible part of this case, surely it's the repeated stabbing of a live human until they're dead that ranks highest?
Can't see his defence working. He bit her several times. Forensics can tell whether she was bitten before or after she was dead. Also applies to bruising on the body.
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I think his defence is that he was just happening to pass this dead body in the driveway and fancied some sex. Can you be had up for raping a dead body?
Yes sick but sicker still is having sex with a baby. Sorry but in my book thats worse.

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Sex with a dead body

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