( Part Two ).
I have likened Social Services to Hitler�s SS. This is not an exaggeration.
They have the power to disrupt and destroy people's lives, and even if proved wrong
they do not have to answer to anybody, but just walk away.
Scenario 1 :=
Scraping the barrel to obtain witnesses, they sent letters to neighbours telling them that
" They could be called to court in the matter of a Grandfather and his Grand daughter ",
The said letters naming names and addresses, but not details of the investigation.
Naturally, the recipients of said letters formed opinions in the worst possible light.
When the case was thrown out, the only follow up was further letters announcing that
" You will not now be needed in court ".
No explanations to anybody so, as you can imagine,
$h1t sticks..
Scenario 2 :=
In a further attempt to get a result and make a court case, SS then produced a
female, ( Who by the way was an ex SS worker ). who was willing to say that her
breast had been brushed-in-passing by one of the defendants, a number of years
At great expense, this witness?, was brought the length of the country, produced in court and was dismissed in a matter
of moments.
The judge's summing up declared that there was no case to answer. He also gave
permission for the verdict to be disclosed should any one refer to the case in the future.
During the year long trauma caused by all this, And at sundry meetings and visits by
SS workers we were constantly hearing what we referred to as
Reply number one, Namely, " LESSONS HAVE BEEN LEARNED ".
And reply number two, � WE WILL GET BACK TO YOU ON THAT �.
Again, something else that invariably failed to materialise.
DRIVEL ?, I think not.