Quizzes & Puzzles5 mins ago
news of the world
18 Answers
in the news of the world today its reported that 2.6 million are on incapacity benefit and 2.6 are out of work it will be tested to see whot work they can do.it was reported that it was easier to turn a blind eye on this and let immigrants in for labour than deal with the consequences.laughable or whot. I injured my back at work three and a half years ago and still have major problems with my spine and was on industrial and DLA benefit for ayear with mobility and gave it up and went back to work in pain because this was not whot i wanted because it was either sit at home in pain or go to work in pain.it makes me mad that i see some people with walking sticks that they are strolling along walking perfectly ok and i just look at them and think your must be some form of benefit may be this is how i see people now, i was in sainsburys when i saw this nd this is not just one individual and i just wanted to crab hold of this walking stick and ram it up there back side lol,and people parking in disabled spaces jumping out of there car and walking of perfectly ok its discracefull? my job involves heavy work on and off and i walk with a twisted spine and limp in pain with a disc problem L5S1.In my line of work i sometimes have to go and work in disabled schools and this will open your eyes these benefits was not just for topping up over benefits cause most dnt want to work
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.If it was in the News Of The World then of course it must be true...........
I keep having the argument about disabled parking bays on here and it starting to get on my t1ts !!!
I have a blue badge which entitles my fiance to park our car in these bays(I don't drive). If you were to see me in the street when I am not in my wheelchair you would have no idea I was disabled because my disability is not an obvious one. A lot of disabilities are "hidden" ones. I also don't work..........but as my fiance does I do not recieve incapacity benefit because he supports us,I do however get DLA. I also have a son who is registered disabled...........he doesn't look obviously disabled as he has Asperger Syndrome.
I wish people would stop to think about things before they jump to conclusions after reading propaganda in the gutter press!
I keep having the argument about disabled parking bays on here and it starting to get on my t1ts !!!
I have a blue badge which entitles my fiance to park our car in these bays(I don't drive). If you were to see me in the street when I am not in my wheelchair you would have no idea I was disabled because my disability is not an obvious one. A lot of disabilities are "hidden" ones. I also don't work..........but as my fiance does I do not recieve incapacity benefit because he supports us,I do however get DLA. I also have a son who is registered disabled...........he doesn't look obviously disabled as he has Asperger Syndrome.
I wish people would stop to think about things before they jump to conclusions after reading propaganda in the gutter press!
well im sorry i think its about time for everyone to be assessed , i too had a blue badge and my partner us to us it for me but when i went back to work i sent it back yes i understand that many disabilities are hidden that why everyone should be as i said assessed and people are not just jumping in to things befor they open there gobs this is happening every where
But by posting your rant you give non-disabled people the impression that no disability is bad enough to warrant being unemployed and in reciept of benefits. Some people can't work in ANY job no matter what they are offered. Most employers are not going to take on someone who is more likely to need time off for illness.I know I wouldn't if I was an employer. The government is trying to turn the disabled into a bunch of pariahs for people to slag off whenever they feel like it. If you gave your blue badge back then good for you but not all of us are able bodied enough to do that!
Blue badges should only be issued to people who have walking difficulties, ie in need of a wheel chair or electric scooter.
Many of these hidden disabilities, doesn't prevent them from walking around the supermarket to carry out their shopping.
So if they can walk to do their shopping, surely it does no harm to walk those few yards from the ordinary bays to the shop.
Many of these hidden disabilities, doesn't prevent them from walking around the supermarket to carry out their shopping.
So if they can walk to do their shopping, surely it does no harm to walk those few yards from the ordinary bays to the shop.
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no im sorry i no whot a disbility is i have had mine for three and a half years and i have to go in for a spinal fusion some time this year and believe me i am having a lot of problems at home and at work, and most times i need time to go to the doctors or chiropractic or hostpitals i am not trying to make all disabilities look bad but there are quite a few people who are not that bad to recieve it i am not that bodied to hand it back but that was my choice. And i do feel strongly about this because this is really happening in the uk. it does need looking at and given to the ones that really need it and not just a top up for benefit. just to fill you in my next door neighbour had to go and get assessed by DVLA the day befor he was running around playing football with his son and the next day i saw him on cruches and get in a car and later that day i saw him with his son and he told me he had to go to dvla and i didnt no at the time whot it was all about ?and i go to work for that im not trying to offend you as i said it should be assessed
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on a similar note I wonder if anyone could tell me what he average monthly payment woudl be for a SINGLE adult on disability?
I am not denying that there are many genuine needy cases out here but just recently i went to visit (with a mutual friend) a person who is on disability due to anxiety / panic attacks.
this person lives in a council flat but in a really nice rural area, (not a run down estate) and the flat is furnished with fabulous up to date(expensive) things, this person goes abroad on hol once a year for two weeks, (with panic attacks?!) drives a niceish car, and really ... it just got me curious as to what the average payment is.
I am not denying that there are many genuine needy cases out here but just recently i went to visit (with a mutual friend) a person who is on disability due to anxiety / panic attacks.
this person lives in a council flat but in a really nice rural area, (not a run down estate) and the flat is furnished with fabulous up to date(expensive) things, this person goes abroad on hol once a year for two weeks, (with panic attacks?!) drives a niceish car, and really ... it just got me curious as to what the average payment is.
Don't tar the genuinely ill with the same brush as your no good neighbour. The reason the government is actually saying they want assessments when claiming incapacity is to stop the idiots like you describe who aren't entitled to benefit but claim it anyway. As I said I don't claim incapacity benefit as my fiance supports us so that is not relevant to me.
I had to be assessed for my DLA benefit and of course was deemed to be in need of this little bit of extra help............I did however have to appeal to get the money.It isn't the easiest benefit to claim and there are many who are entitled to it that are put off claiming by the bureaucracy and attitudes like yours.There are many different types of disability by the way.I'm glad yours may be helped by surgery,mine however will not as it is incurable and will probably prove fatal within 10 years.
I had to be assessed for my DLA benefit and of course was deemed to be in need of this little bit of extra help............I did however have to appeal to get the money.It isn't the easiest benefit to claim and there are many who are entitled to it that are put off claiming by the bureaucracy and attitudes like yours.There are many different types of disability by the way.I'm glad yours may be helped by surgery,mine however will not as it is incurable and will probably prove fatal within 10 years.
for every genuine need out there there is bound to be an equal amount of folks who just take the p*** be it for blue badges, or sick benefits, or work seekers allowance etc.!
The entire benefit system is being abused...and that means people who really do need and deserve it go without it some cases....
makes me mad!
The entire benefit system is being abused...and that means people who really do need and deserve it go without it some cases....
makes me mad!
I recieve �180.00 per month Disability Living Allowance(mobility component) and the lowest available rate for the care component which stands at �17.10 per week. I have no idea about incapacity benefit rates.
http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/DisabledPeople/Fin ancialSupport/DG_10011925
http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/DisabledPeople/Fin ancialSupport/DG_10011925
wow - daffy that's not alot is it?!
thanks for answering. like i said that person i met recently and his lifestyle made me wonder. Then again - those who know how to milk the system do so with gusto....(but please don't be offended cos just like you, their are lots of real, genuine cases out there too)
thanks for answering. like i said that person i met recently and his lifestyle made me wonder. Then again - those who know how to milk the system do so with gusto....(but please don't be offended cos just like you, their are lots of real, genuine cases out there too)
daffy i have not got a attitude if you dnt like whot i have said tuff i am making a point on this issue that i dnt like whot is going on as eve has said her friend is getting it for anxiety attacks ?and as i said i no more people getting it and both say they have arthritic problems but both where high heals and go clubbing its just getting abused and yes there are genuing people that do really need it,and these 2 people are getting free road tax and mobility allowance its discracefull i pay high taxes to help people like you and not for some greedy that dnt want to work. If they had a conscience they should go to a disabled school and see whot a real disability is and beleive me it would make them thing twice
The highest rate for Disability Living Allowance is �45 per week. If you need care as well, the highest rate is about �78 per week. Incapacity Benefit replaces SSP after 28 weeks if you are unfortunate enough to be off work that long. That is �72.50 per week.. I have not been able to work since last July. I had to wait until September to have a scan on my back. I had to wait until December to get the results of this scan. I have got a fragmented disc L4/L5. I am going in to hospital for surgery on the Tuesday after Easter. All being well I will be able to go back to work after about 6 weeks. The doctor says I will not be 100%, but I should be able to go back to work. I can,t wait - I feel I have been in solitary confinement for the past 8 months. It is beginning to affect me mentally. The sooner I can get out of here the better. Although financially I have not suffered, I would not choose to be at home all day. Fortunately it looks like I am on my way back to work. But a lot of people are not able to and get my sympathy. My attitude to genuinely disabled peoples predicament has changed since I have been forced to experience life on their side of the fence.
Scorpious123,as I said in one of my previous messages on this thread my son is also disabled,he attended a school for children with learning disabilities for 3 years so I have seen and mixed with children who have varying degrees of disability,some were unable to do anything at all for themselves so I do know what that is like,probably better than you do!
I do agree that people with anxiety or panic attacks should not be awarded disability benefits though,those things can be treated/cured with therapy or medication so enabling the sufferers to go back to work.
I do agree that people with anxiety or panic attacks should not be awarded disability benefits though,those things can be treated/cured with therapy or medication so enabling the sufferers to go back to work.
daffy654........ thats part of the problem though daffy, getting treatment. If I had been able to afford to go private, I reckon I could have been diagnosed, had surgery and been back to work in about 2 months. I waited from July to December for a diagnosis on the NHS. I have been waiting for surgery from December and am due to go into hospital next week . Hopefully it will not be cancelled which is always a possibility. I am sure there are thousands of people like me who want to work but can,t because they are kept waiting for treatment. Believe me, I would much rather be at work than being stuck at home all day. I have a battle trying not to get depressed.
I think the Government should stop everyone's benefits and ask them to reapply and be subjected to a thorough investigation. I wonder how many would dare! The 'Benefits' machine is totally out of control. I wish they were as keen on routing out the cheats as they are at ensuring the hard working, decent people are paying their taxes.