the original question asked for swayed in the direction for an opinion not a 5000 word thesis including an introduction, proposal, main body and conclusion, like you guys have made it out to be.
R1Geezer, I take back my comment, apologies, BUT...I if want to add no weight to my opinion then I have a right to do so. I believe it was murder, thats it, thats my opinion, I dont have to give you or anyone else a reason why I believe it to be so. It may not be true to you or others and it may be a far fetched opinion, but why do I have to justify my answer?
Quinlad - read my comment above and tell me how that makes me thick? If having your own opinion makes you thick then there is no future for the human race.
You beileive what you want and I'll stick to mine. I think that becasue we are still talking about this 11 yrs on, shows that its more likely to be murder or a very suspicious accident than an unfortunate accident. End of. Next question.