Are we doomed as a species. in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Are we doomed as a species.

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Doc Spock | 09:28 Sat 12th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
As I was driving yesterday at 8 am I saw a boy ,about 13, on a paper round throw a toffee wrapper on the pavement.

It occurred to me that a fair proportion of our species have readily embraced the notion that the evolutionary process is not for them and have decided to venture no further than the lower banks of the primordial swamp.
This is clearly evidenced by the antics of Shannon Matthews family.
When I see Masaai warriers with fierce spears and shields with an advert for "FLORA" margarine running in a marathon wearing M & S undies you will see where I am coming from.

Further down the road I glanced at buildings in excess of 100 years old and marvelled at the wondrous architechural style, then realised that we shall never see the like of these again. All we see are buildings made of alumininum and plastic generally painted blue.

Not only will Sir Christopher Wren be turning in his grave, he will by now be a whirring blur.

Can you imagine Isambard Kingdom Brunell throwing toffee wrappers on the pavement.

I apologise for this thought provoking post, maybe I should have asked,

"who wants to share a choccy biccy"


Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Ooh Doc! Controversial!! Why post this in Chatterbank then? x
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This is where the action is.
I am equally sickened by the modern world Doc. I concur on all points, i work with up to 30 year olds, they show no regard for their environment, even their personal space.
You see the cattle market at the weekend that i used to call the town centre, full of squabbling teenagers drunk and coked up. Macdonald debris (that includes the awful food), and white cider bottles everywhere.
I used to work renovating grade two listed buildings, you can't imagine what i think of architecture that can be poured or rolled.
I followed a blue transit van once and it slowed down as the driver got to the middle of a bridge. The window came down and bags of rubbish were hurled into the river. I wanted to challenge them about it, but the rubbish was already in the water, and it's not worth getting assaulted over. Brain dead!
When I saw your post I though you meant _Answer bankers !
Well I pick my nose and throw the contents out of the car window.

Am I neandrethall man
The world is in it's last years as far as the human species is concerned.
Do I belive in global warming ...dont care either way to be honest.
If it happens then better for the planet. The parasite called life that is killing it be gone quicker.
If its all a tax scam by the goverment ...then something else wil kill us off.

Me and the wife have no kids ...so we figure the planet only has to last me another 35 to 40 years ...
It will last that long ...so I'm happy.
The planet is now beyond saving ....

We are having the best of times as a race ..we have reached the peak ...its all down hill now
In fact it will be interesting times from a science point of view.
I look forward to watching the civilised world collapse , in my old age. Will be better than a hollywood movie.

Charity ....errr ...Sorry but what we are seeing in Africa and the third world is just the start.
As a rich western nation , we will see famine and war in the third world first. It will hit us after time however.

Anyone seen the cost of food in the world at the moment ?
Food shortage...
But the western world is getting BIO fuel.
Oil starts to run out ..we get BIO fuel to keep our energy flowing ...the third world gets less food

Off to Morrisons in a moment in by 4 x 4. This does 25MPG.
I will moan about the cost of food and rising food bills.
Hope you remember to pack your stuff at morrisons in the plastic bag rr
Kin ell you got a 4 + 4 that does 25 mpg I got a v6 mondeo that does 22 mpg.

Goddamit will have to get a people carrier
Yes I always use plastic bags.
They are easy to chuck out when you have unpacked your shopping.
I pay for them ...so why should I not use them ?
The dustman takes them away once per week and bury them for me.
I'm with you on the global warming bit Randyraven. I think it's a hoax. I'm believe the planet has a way of sorting itself.

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Are we doomed as a species.

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