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Feel Good Food!

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wiggal | 22:00 Mon 05th May 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Hey all,

Hope your all good and have had a good weekend :)
I have had a lovely weekend and just had a gooorgeous dinner!
Normally eat very unhealthily and all the wrong stuff and that as atm dont really have to worry about my size! (i know it will catch up with me one day lol!)
But have just made grilled chicken and salad with tomato and basil dressing and it not only tasted great, but I dont feel really stuffed and ill after eating it :)

So what are all your feel good foods!?

Wiggal xx


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Baked beans, sausages and waffles.

Pasta with tomato pesto, a spicey meat, green olives, mushrooms and onions with cheese on top.
Ahem this sounds weird but for me it's loads of veg. When I was pregnant I went off a lot of meat and I never really got the taste for it back, not even chicken. I love things like braised celery, bowls of mashed carrot and swede and broccoli. And cheese, always cheese. I really must cut down :(
mashed swede!!!!! mmmmm
Anyone else want to hang Hellie for having healthy stuff as comfort food? Where the F is Boo when I need her.

Bl00dy nutter.
Question Author
Helliebobs, cheese is my huuuuuuuge downfall!
I eat un healthy amounts of it, but I also never eat any sweet foods!
I have seriously lost my sweet tooth, (may have something to do with making myself very sick after only eating chocolate and drinking cherry coke for 4.5 years!)
But I never eat desserts, or anything sweet now! All savoury, mmmmm!
China, cheese really is my downfall, but I also eat a lot of sweeties and choccie too :) I just love my veggiebubbles!!!
I still think you suck! ;0P
Not exactly light.....Just had roast chicken and gravy with macaroni

And I have a tub of hagen daaz ice cream for later!
omg I love hagen daz strawberry cheesecake
yeah whatever, fall out girl... ;p
Chicken Kiev, new potatoes and peas
Tell that to your son ;0P
Anything that you eat sitting outside in the sun.

Today it was a good old trad picnic - pork pie, cheeses, chicken, salad, fruit, and loads of wine. Simple, and feel good.

Watching the point to point and winning �154 on the horses may have contributed a bit to the "feel good" factor !!
China, he sees his dad once a week, the likelihood of him becoming a FOB fan is minimal thank god :)
We'll see....

Rubs hands together gleefully
He does however have a rather cool Emo type t shirt, I couldn't help that it was so cute.... :)
I'd rather he liked My Chemical Romance than ***** like Fall Out Boy :)
My Chemical Romance? You having a bubble or something love?? Good grief!
Does helliebobs really speak English. ?????

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