Got loads of red wine here cause the French Connection failed to turn up, dips, pate, spag bol, garlic bread, cheese from all nations and a lovely comfy bed with new bedding and a tray in room with tea coffee, biscuits etc so anyone who would like a free weekend with all found line up here now first come first served.
No Boo I am not Doc Spock but I have been the subject of much speculation and for once and for all I want to make it clear to all that because of something said on here a few days ago it became very clear that my surname is the same as Doc Spocks and we live in the same village so make of that what you will xx : - ))
Well Boo its not something that you would want to own up to....well would you ??? but the Doc had a few rum and cokes the other night and went and put his real name on here and his email address which linked us to those that already knew my surname.....silly bu88er