It was just a lamb, and that's that.
Course, if it was just a baby human, it's not like there's a lot of practical use there either, to follow that logic.
You can't compare a human baby to a lamb. It doesn't work. And you well know it.
I mean anyone who can get pleasure from the chase and then the dismembering of a fox! Except they were middle class/upper class morons who had some political clout and it wasn't until we had a strong enough Labour administration before this atrocity could be stamped out.
Ruby, I don't mean this unkindly, but this is total bull. First, there are good ecological reasons to hunt; second, dogs actually kill quicker than most other hunting methods (shooting has more stopping power but can take a much longer time to kill); third, contrary to popular belief it isn't actually just upper/middle classes who get involved in hunting; Fifth, foxes are vermin.
How many people who abhor the lamb killing or foxhunting feel the same way about fishing? Or pigeon shooting? Or poisoning a rat/laying a mousetrap? (Granted that's got more purpose than killing a lamb for no reason but it's still an animal being killed).