OK touchy feely Geezer alert!
I guess some people are just not on the pace. Yes I agree she probably shouldn't have kids, obviously doesn't have the sense she was born with.
No need for all the rabid punishments above. Take the kid away obviously. As someone on here said the other day, some people just have no idea, life happens to them they have no control, no concept of what's occuring. In this case she did not see a problem, "I want to go away with my boyfriend for a weekend, oh bu66er, kid in the way, ok lock him in kitchen with a bar of chocalate" - sorted. Do not credit her with eough intellegence to think at any level beyond that. Luck the lad survived ok.
What about the bloke? did he not wonder about leaving the kid?
Until we introduce some kind of IQ/Common sense test before being allowed to reproduce, this sort of thing will occur.
The Geezer is wise today!