Just come back from seeing neil diamond what a disaster!
Went to see the above at Hampden tonite from the beginning we had problems, it was beautiful when we left when nearly there the heavens opened and my god it got steadily worse, traffic lights failed at every opportunity,so the police were out directing traffic, we got lost for a while, but then god back on track!it took 4 hours to drive just 65.7 miles, at the stadium which was a nightmare to find the disabled parking, then i must admit the staff at the stadium were reasonably helpful, but we ended up standing in the tunnel, because the disabled stand was awash with water and we hadnt any cover,they told us to leave the tunnel and sit in the allocated bays and we had no chairs, some kind persons gave our service user a blanket as she was getting cold, and another nicked a brolly from somewhere, so the abled bodied had cover and the disabled lot had none,so left early with flash floods thunder and lightening �45 a ticket Hampden should be ashamed surely they should have had emergency procedures in case of inclement weather!!!