What does this tell you about our humanity?
Can we ignore our feelings in favour of P.C.?
Ever heard of, "White Flight?"
That is simply white people saying, "Here, have it! It's yours! Now leave me alone whilst I build a new life for myself!"
Anything wrong with entrepreneurs wanting to live together and being creative and wealth creative and sharing the benefits of their enterprise?
Yes of course there is!
Look at Africa for a great example of tribalism strangling enterprise, of corruption, of a lack of inventiveness.
Yes, Britain would be better served without many of the ethnic minorities, not because they are ethnically in the minority, that would be racist, but because the superstition and backward cutlure they bring is dragging our British culture into the gutter.
Do you really think that this does not have an effect on mainstream British culture?
For Gods sake, they killed each other in Northern Ireland for a lot less for thirty years!