No. I cannot feel sorry for the woman for she is pretending.
Sh(or her agent) have worked a reciprocal deal with the red-top newspapers to photograph her falling out of whichever dump saying 'look at me, I'm so ******', or look at me, I'm so drugged'. She gets the publicity, they get a story without working.
Sure, she'll wobble about at a gig looking like an insanitary harridan but she's there, a'int she? She's turned up.
Not like Britney, who's not pretending. Or Gazza. Or George Best. She (or her agent) have created this image for her and she's living up to it, like other pretend ********* such as Keith Richards and Ossie Osbourne.
Although Keith will trot out his mumbling LA-lockjaw act every time the Stones have something to promote before returning to his Mozart and his library, he has done the drugs route from Dartford to Darjeeling and back.
And if I had Ossie's family I'd be conkered 24/7 too.
But now they' both pretending.
Just like Amy.
Duffy has a better voice
Katie Melua is a better singer, writer and performer.
Neither are saddled with a silly image.
Stop pretending, woman and get real.