Beijing - The Opening Ceremony in The AnswerBank: News
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Beijing - The Opening Ceremony

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sp1814 | 15:26 Fri 08th Aug 2008 | News
15 Answers
I've just seen part of the opening ceremony at the Beijing Olympics.

Frankly, it was awesome.

Do you think we can even come close to topping that in 2012?

In the office, some people have proffered ideas...such as having Girls Aloud run through their greatest hits, then to have Paul Daniels do a couple of magic tricks...

...but seriously - what can we do to top China?

What is the best of British? What could make us proud?

Sydney had Kylie atop a giant flip-flop singing Dancing Queen and now Beijing had a thousand dancers doing stuff that looks like it took a decade to rehearse!

...what would represent us to the world (in a positive light).
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Don't be such a doubting thomas, yes of course we can top it. God it makes my bll00d boil, how did we ever do so well in the world with so many ring twitching assh0les in our country. Thank some fcuk1ing non discript deity that hand wringing tw&ts like you are not running the country. If it was up to you we'd all be getting butt fcuked on prime time TV 24/7. Why are so many Brits so anti British.
We should erect a big curtain at one end of the stadium and then, when all the spectators from around the world have taken their seats, the curtain should start twitching. Eventually, someone should start peeping from behind the curtain, regarding these newcomers suspiciously and muttering that they should to go back to their own country. Oh, and then telling them they're ruining this once great nation of ours.

Either that, or just have Chas and Dave.
My B-double-L-zero-zero-D is boiling too.
..what would represent us to the world (in a positive light).

Well done R1 - positive as ever
Crikey, R1Geezer, don't know about the effect of bllood boiling but you will go off in an apoplexy if you remain so angry and aggressive

sp1814. I am not sure that we can or even ought to. For better or worse being British does involve that 'stiff upper lip', self depreciation, that finds showy things just a little too vulgar, unless done in a camp or ironic manner that makes it obvious we are laughing at ourselves. The Chinese opening will have been magnificent because they would have taken it very seriously, and the performers would have been responsible for the whole nations pride.

The only way we will get away with it is if it is a cross between Monty Python and Julian Clary as JC fan club, so that it is obviously amateurish.
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Wow...well that certainly told me!

I feel suitably chastised.
sp1814 was right it was awesome, especially the finale with the lighting of the 'Olympic Flame'.

Regarding the London Olympics, after China's excellent effort, I can see the final costs of ours will have to increase significantly, to put on a show like theirs. It's a sad fact but it is true.
spend what is necessary, rather that than Pi55 it down the black hole that is the public sector, especially the NHS.
Morris dancers. Thousands of them. In formation. On the wings of the Red Arrows. Playing the Dambusters theme. Or should it be the Archers? Whatever.

You said 'in a positive light' so I haven't suggested a choreographed knife fight a la West Side Story.
They'll probably just get Paul McCartney to sing a few!
Do a massive picture display of Banger n Mash and Fish n Chips.
I don't think you'll ever see a bigger more impressive ceremony than that, not in 2012 or ever again probably. China is probably the last place left on earth that has the wherewithall and the political will to throw that many people and that much money at putting on a single show. It was a night when they knew all the world would be watching and they pulled out all the stops.
Do you think they were watching it in Tibet?
the pageant of chinas virtues,

invention of paper, gunpowder, compass etc etc,

shame they never came up with a more efficient way to eat their rice, instead of two wooden sticks,

or learnt where the brakes are on a tank.....

nothing to learn apart from the basic law of quality over quantity.
But they do know where the brakes on a tank are. That's what the student who stood up to the tank is Tiannenman Square is so iconic. The tank kept having to brake to avoid hitting him.

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