I think the way the British Women behave on holiday, binge drinking, showing their boobs and very little clothes on, gives out the message, '' I'm ready for anything ''.
You don't see other European Women acting like this.
Police say British women appear to be particularly vulnerable compared with other foreign women because they drink heavily and because they are 'na've' in befriending strangers and in accepting lifts home.
British women do not come out very well, it seems.
How wise you are Ethel. We are very lucky here to have an old established newspaper here which unlike the tabloids does not seek sensationalism to sell papers and does cover stories from all over the globe, not just local news so I do tend to set more store by it than the other rags.
I'm not a reader of the Guardian so I can't comment but I do sometimes read the Daily Mail because I always take a national paper as well as my local one. My only comment would be that you don't often if ever see the P & J involved in legal suits because as I stated before they don't use sensationalism to sell papers.
Nothing about this story in your paper, scotgal, which comes as somewhat of a suprise, seeing that it is a Scottish story, and has been widely reported elsewhere.