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Students pouring shots in there eyes!!!

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puddicat | 16:02 Thu 28th Aug 2008 | News
21 Answers
Apparently students are pouring vodka shots in their eyes to drunk quicker which is plain stupid, not to mention a total waste of money!!!!!


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what idiots!
seen people snort vodka and tequila, i've heard of this not seen it though, bit of a painful way to get drunk
Workls a treat , and the alcohol cleans the tear ducts too.

Shot anyone ???�
As long as it stops them reading socialist propaganda and forming terrorist organisations, I don't give a monkey's knacker what they do.

Bloody pesky "Oooooooh I am so hard done by, I'll just book a few months travelling to ease my oh so addled mind after two hours contact time a week" students.

Sod 'em all, is what I say!!!!!
how much gets absorbed into their eye? surely only a drop or two,so most of it ends up on the floor! WHAT! WASTED ALCOHOL? anyone that purposely spills alcohol needs to be flogged with a cat-o-nine tails and then have pure alcohol rubbed into their wounds followed by having a shot of scotch bonnet puree in their eye!
And these are the people who aim to go on the greater things, taking the top jobs in the professions, commerce, industry and government.

Financially, of course, Scottish students are much better placed to be able to afford such stupidity than their English counterparts. I really couldn�t care less what they do to themselves. If, by the age of eighteen or more, they have not yet learned that it is inadvisable to pour toxic liquid into your eyes, then I doubt anyone will be able to teach them and they will have to learn the hard way.

What I object to is having to pay (via my English taxes neatly diverted to Scotland) to subsidise such stupidity. Mind you, as far as I know, it does not say on the labels of vodka bottles that you should not pour the stuff into your eyes, so stand by for the first case of alleged negligence brought by one of the poor souls against Smirnoff for not telling them where to stick the stuff!
well lets just thank our lucky stars that no-ones decide to drink their drink rectally,cos i definetly wont be next on that bottle!
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Shut up new judge, i am not listening to your crap, if you were in st andrews most were english, and foreigners, i was really hard to find a scot!!
wouldnt that sting like mad?

I've never heard of anyone doing it with alcohol but I do know people who have stuck acid tabs to their eyes. Apparently its mental....daft sods
Well you would pixi wouldnt ya ?

Some students are less intellegent than a backward clam - aren't they .

I noticed the former student quoted , was on a Media degree course .
That says it all .
yeah pixi i remember people putting trips(LSD) in their eyes usually window panes and microdots!
But we're not talking solely about St Andrews are we pud?

And whether they are Scottish or not does not mitigate their idiocy. One way or another the taxpayer supports all students.
I've snorted vodka, it stings but it's not a bad buzz....

Prob wouldn't do it now but iI guess them crazy kids just wanna have fun...
University students seem to have plenty of time on their hands to get up to such high jinx.

I really don't see why an applicant with a degree is so much more attractive to a prospective employer than one who hasn't. Students are hardly pushed and the workload isnt exactly arduous; you have to be doing something really wrong not to attain a degree.
didnt Rhys Ifans do that in the film Kevin and Perry go large?
Oh yeah Eyeball Paul

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