I would seem that for todays youngsters it is quite a bit of monkey see monkey do.
If she gets over then she might come back and do her thing what ever that might be.
And no I don't switch off the radio when some one comes on who's life style may not be good and to think we all do that is making us sound like we are all up ourselves which is not the case.
The case in question here is a woman who has won awards for mother of the year when obviously she falls a long way short of it. And before you say it, no there isn't any one who gets it right all the time but then we are not getting awarded for being some thing we are not.
As for Gordon Brown, he's hardly in the same area is he.
What we are talking about is the constant pushing of people that, on the one hand if they are not famous they are drug taking, drunken scum, but if they are famous for what ever reason they are given excuse after excuse and sent on there way with pockets loads of cash to do it all over again.
Now does that sound right to you.